* Eric Armstrong <eric.armstrong@sun.com> [011029 13:47]:
> [...]
> 4) For efficiency, systems probably need to maintain a translation
> table that
> maps nodeIDs --> hierarchical IDs. (Or maybe not. Not sure.)
The Augment that I have used had the HIDs turned on by default, but the
NIDS hidden. There were viewspec commands to optionally turn them on or
off independently. It seemed to me from my use and reading the manuals
that Doug gave me that standard practice was to use HIDS instead of NIDS
specifically for some of the reasons Eric mentioned above, at least in
the defalt Augment setup for new users. What was used in practice by
experienced users? I hope an experienced user on this list is able to
share this.
So in this way, the choice of addressing was left up to the users
because they have different semantic meanings.
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