I quickly browsed The Arlington Institute's site. Fascinating, but also daunting. From an "augment perspective," how can we
best, in little space, highlight the most important aspects of their work and the relationships to what else is going on? An
item of interest here: LISA - Large Integrated Search and Analysis tool will, by mid-2002, provide an "information and knowledge
engine" that can globally track emerging ideas around any selected topic from thousands of sources. It appears that LISA and OHS
kindred technologies. This brings up the question of what other kindred technologies abound? I guess that the mining of our
discussion forum will bring out some. Is there someone on this forum interested in digging deeper into this and provide a good
overview article for the e-journal?
Grant Bowman wrote:
> This sounds fascinating. If any list members attend, please drop an
> email to the list with your impressions.
> FYI...
> --
> -- Grant Bowman <>
> THE MACRO*MEMETICS PROJECT - The Design, Leadership, and Transformation
> of Large-Scale, Complex Systems and Resolution of Major Conflict
> Situations (The term "memetics" comes from the concept of "memes," the
> value system codes that form cultures and emerge in societies in
> response to life conditions.)
> A number of forces are now converging to put even a greater emphasis on
> finding new and fresh ways to deal with large scale problems and
> challenges. These "macro" groupings range from whole communities to
> emerging city-states to multi-layered cultures to far-reaching
> corporate entities and, of course, to the global meshwork itself.
> Attempts to apply micro-scale (personal) and meso-scale
> (organizational) solutions to these interconnected and dynamic
> macro-scale environments have been "weighed in the balance and found to
> be wanting."
> In short, the complexity levels and global demands within our 21st
> Century problems and conditions of human existence have out-stripped
> our collective capacities to deal with them. When this happens to
> bacteria colonies and virus clusters, they re calibrate their
> informational and instructional codes to outsmart, outmaneuver, and
> outperform their external threats. So must we.
> M*M will be co-sponsored by the Ken Wilber Integral Institute
> Worldwide, The Arlington Institute (Virginia, USA) and the Adizes
> Graduate School (Santa Barbara, California).
> The dates for M*M are December 14-16 in Washington, DC.
> A simulation more than a formal workshop or seminar, the M*M Project
> includes a new Spiral Dynamics Scenario program, to be designed and
> implemented by John Petersen of Arlington. Participants will work
> through a specific case-study in large-scale systems whether a
> community-wide initiative, transformation of a large corporation or
> school system, major changes in conflicts within a complex culture, or
> even profound shifts in an entire society. In addition to the
> simulation/scenario activity, participants will be introduced to such
> concepts as vMemetic Codes and their emergence; the design of Vital
> Sign Monitors using GIS technology to "measure" and "monitor"
> large-scale systems, as well as a number of conceptual models
> calibrated to wrap around or overlay onto complex situations.
> M*M will begin with a presentation of Spiral Dynamics, the concept that
> was featured in Ken Wilber's recent book A Theory of Everything.
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