Quotations found at http://www.meta-learninglab.com/
"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and
catastrophe."H.G. Wells
"The world we have made as a result of the level of the thinking we have
done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level (of
consciousness) at which we have created them. . .We shall require a
substantially new manner of thinking if humankind is to survive."Albert
"Never underestimate the power of a small but committed group of people to
change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
At 07:08 AM 11/18/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I fully echo your sentiment that the most important use for OHS/DKR is in
>lifelong education. I like to add a dimension to that term "lifelong
>education." We have come to perceive it as an extension of formal education or
>of formal education with real-life experiences thrown in. Either way, lifelong
>education is perceived as a personal thing.
>I believe it is in the spirit of friends of Engelbart to attempt to define a
>form of education that recognizes the need for educational complementarity,
>something like x heads are better than one. I know, we are already making
>practical use of that on an ad-hoc basis. Organizations attract humans with
>specific skills to round out the desired overall skill of the organization.
>Engelbart's work serves to perfect the interactions so as to do a better
>job of
>using multiple talents within an organization, or, as I myself prefer to put
>it, doing a better job of using multiple talents engaged in a communal
>Not to lengthen this post too much, but we must explicitly recognize that
>educational complementarity does not limit itself to intellectual areas of
>expertise, but also takes into account multiple intelligences such as those
>isolated by Howard Gardner of Harvard:
>(1) linguistic, (2) logico-mathematical, (3) musical, (4) bodily-kinesthetic,
>(5) spatial, (6 interpersonal, and (7) intrapersonal. Gardner is looking at
>additional intelligences as well.
>Looking at the list, one readily recognizes how schools especially value the
>first two forms of intelligence. Grading, admissions, psychological
>screening -
>all these emphasize those two forms. Without detailed study, I am assuming
>it is these two forms that are primary in creating social and/or financial
>success. Our organizations are very much structured around that, but there are
>circumstances under which other forms are (the most?) important prerequisites
>for survival.
>Doug does recognize multiple intelligences and their complementarity, although
>not formally classified as done by Gardner. Nevertheless, Augment and the OHS
>are still perceived primarily as tools related to the first two types of
>Gardner's intelligences. (Inclusion of multimedia may broaden that base.)
>I propose that we also pay due attention to complementarity of
>intelligences in
>the collective IQ. Now, don't ask me how we are going to institute that in,
>say, the development of Fleabyte, which seeks to become a DKR ammenable to
>utilization in an open hyperdocument system. I haven't got the answer and I'll
>be pleasantly surprised if somebody else has. But at least we can
>recognize the
>need for explicitly cultivating the utilization of such complementarity in the
>hope that by doing so we will eventually stumble onto solutions.
>Jack refers to a document called "THE FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: For All
>Worldwide, a Holistic View," by Parker Rossman. It appears to be an important
>document for us in terms of content and in terms of its mechanics of
>into a better document for it wants to be a "living document."). In this sense
>it is akin to our own groping. Problem is, we can't be all expected to come
>fully to grips with it. If we, as Friends of Engelbart, are to succeed, we
>recognize the need for applied complementarity in our, this most informal,
>"organization." And this need applies to a number of topic areas.
>My question now is, how can we best, and in a spirit of free-mindedness,
>"organize" ourselves to effectively address topic areas so as to make
>use of complementarity of interests and expertise?
>What I am hoping for here is that we first stab away at this question (as we
>usually do on this forum) and then discipline ourselves somewhat (as we rarely
>do) to refine the aggregate of responses into a short, to-the-point proposal
>for creating effective complementarity. I propose that somewhere in the
>someone will step forward to assume the role of "threadmaster" to cast the
>intellectual ingot for our e-journal.
>That refinement is so essential. Some wag has said many decades ago that the
>educational literature is more voluminous than nutritious. As an e-journal we
>should recognize this and learn how to separate, refine, and then make things
>digestible for communal use. In other words, we need to establish a
>process and
>manage it. (Yes Rod W., I feel the vibes.)
>If we succeed in this we may be in a good position to have mutually fruitful
>exchanges with Parker Rossman. May be exchanges that lead to co-operative
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