Some thoughts on advancing the site:
* Fix broken links on home page.
* Clean up HTML, mostly simple things like restoring color and font
naming conventions.
* Clean up graphics of main menu bar (jaggies and odd spacing).
* Add TITLES and META descriptions, so the pages will show up more
clearly in search engine listings.
*Set all pages in tables of 90% width. 100% is the academic style, but
looks a bit odd on the Internet at large.
* Resolve inconsistencies between the home page graphic menu bar, and
the navigation links down the left side of the page. There is both
redundancy and conflict.
* Create a site map. (No one bothers anymore, but log analysis tells me
plenty of people still use them.)
* Gray has pretty well faded away as a WWW background color; white is
now the expected standard.
* While I is much-ignored, the original link colors are unvisited=blue,
clicked=red, and visited=purple. One might consider returning to that
If these things are of interest, I could get most of them done in the
next week. FTP access isn't strictly necessary -- but it would save me a
great deal of time, which would be appreciated.
-- ______________________________________________________Nicholas Carroll Email: Alternate: ______________________________________________________
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