Wow ...what a great discovery in browser re-engineering technology!!! Notice the
demo conclusions:
It provides a smart framework for the implementation of new research ideas about
Web navigation.
It promotes a new approach to navigation support grounded in
- constructivism (Piaget, Bruner) and
- activity theory (Vygotsky, Leontiev).
It matches one of the original concept associated with hypertext (Engelbart) :
reader + writer
It incorporates the best of two Human Computer Interaction worlds : hypertext
and graphical interface.
... and unlike the PC desktop, it displays RELATIONS between objects.
NESTOR seems to also be an implementation of Francis Heylighen's paper at the
Principia Cybernetica Web Project:
Bootstrapping Knowledge Representations (from entailment meshes via semantic
nets to learning webs)
ABSTRACT. The symbol-based, correspondence epistemology used in AI is contrasted
with the constructivist, coherence epistemology promoted by cybernetics. The
latter leads to bootstrapping knowledge representations, in which different
parts of the cognitive system mutually support each other. Gordon Pask's
entailment meshes and their implementation in the THOUGHTSTICKER program are
reviewed as a basic application of this approach. Entailment meshes are then
extended to
entailment nets: directed graph representations governed by the “bootstrapping
axiom”, determining which concepts are to be distinguished or merged. This
allows a constant restructuring and elicitation of the conceptual network.
Semantic networks
and frame-like representations with inheritance can be expressed in this very
general scheme by introducing a basic ontology of node and link types.
Entailment nets are then generalized to associative nets characterized by
weighted links. Learning
algorithms are presented which can adapt the link strengths, based on the
frequency with which links are selected by hypertext browsers. It is argued that
these different bootstrapping methods could be applied to make the World-Wide
Web more intelligent, by allowing it to self-organize and support inferences
through spreading activation.
Francis says ... "Such an implementation at the planetary scale was probably not
envisaged by Gordon Pask. Yet, his conversational systems and the present vision
of an intelligent web share their view of knowledge as a collective construction
striving to achieve coherence, rather than a mapping of external objects. By
abandoning the correspondence epistemology and its reliance on fixed primitives,
bootstrapping approaches open the way to a truly flexible, adaptive and creative
knowledge system. Of course, the systems sketched here are still in their
infancy, and need to be thoroughly tested under diverse circumstances, and
implemented on a sufficiently large scale to show their practical usefulness.
This will obviously require a very large effort. I hope that the work of Gordon
Pask, myself and our colleagues will provide sufficient inspiration for other
researchers to take up these challenges."
Jack Park wrote:
> Take a look at Nestor
> From: Grant Bowman <>
> > * ncarroll <> [000806 20:53]:
> > > Grant Bowman wrote:
> > > > Netscape: 4.5x, 4.6x, 4.7x, 6.0pr1 (based on Mozilla)
> > > > Mozilla: Milestone 10 and above if you dare to run it (M16 is present)
> > > > Internet Explorer: 5.0, 5.5
> > > > Lynx?
> > > > Amaya?
> > > > others?
> > >
> > > Opera?
> >
> > Well, Amaya 3.2.1 was released 7/12
> > I should check if this
> > qualifies. It does XHTML and supports scripts but I don't see any
> > mention of ECMA in the New Features list. I assume it does.
> >
> > Opera is a Windows based browser that's pretty popular, right? Does it
> > do ECMAscript and XHTML?
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