One other comment: A Makefile would be useful for people not experienced
with compiling Java programs.
Here are some quick instructions for the uninitiated. To compile and run:
1. Unpack the archive.
2. Compile the files in the src/util directory. On UNIX, using the JDK,
the command is:
% cd src/util ; javac *.java
3. Compile in src/org/bootstrap/convertor/html. Be
sure that the src/ directory is in your class path. On UNIX, do:
% cd src/org/bootstrap/convertor/html
% javac -classpath ../../../../
4. Run the resulting class file, HtmlConvertor.class. On UNIX:
% java src/org/bootstrap/convertor/html/HtmlConvertor
will print out the usage information.
-- +=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== ===== ===+ | "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they | +===== can have an excuse to drink alcohol." --Steve Martin ===========+
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