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Comments on NODAL paper, 14 June 2001 version
Herewith, my comments. (01)
1. What's there is excellently written. The background section
(Ubiquitous Collaboration) was particularly well done, and
quite motivating. (02)
2. The document did confuse two important notions:
a) Indirect addressing
b) Path addressing (03)
An indirect address points to a location which contains an
address. That provides a single point of change, so that
an item can change it's address, and everyone who depends
on it unknowingly uses the new address, rather than the
old. This kind of addressing is highly valuable, and
frequently desirable. (04)
A URI is a great example of an indirect address. (It's an
index, really, but it functions in much the same way.) You
use the URI to look up the address. That way, the address
can change (be a local copy, for example) without modifying
the document that references the targeted item. (05)
What was described in NODAL as indirect addressing was, in
reality, path-addressing -- an equally valuable form of
addressing that defines a path from one node to another. (06)
3. Given the liklihood that true indirect addressing will be
desirable (it was in NLS/Augment), that leaves open the
distinct possiblity that NODAL needs either:
a) an Address data type, or
b) an Address node (which contains an address) (07)
Now, it could be that the atomic NAME type would qualify
as an Address data type. But that would require that all
address are represented as URIs. I suspect that different
implementations will want to vary on how they construct
internal addresses. On the other hand, allowing each
implementation to provide its own unique Address poses
interoperability problems. So I suspect that the notion of
an Address does need to be formally defined. (08)
4. One thing I never really saw in the document was the notion
of addressing into an existing document! I believe NODAL
started out as a improvment on Groves. And my limited
understanding of Groves leads me to conceptualize it as an
addressing mechanism that adds granular addressing to
a specified document type. At this point, NODAL seems to have
evolved into an abstract data model, which is also a good
thing. But I no longer see the connection between it and
Groves -- or at least, I didn't see it in the paper. (09)
5. The exposition of the grand vision is extremely well done.
The description of the storage repository is similarly
detailed and thorough, with IDL and lots of information.
But, in between, there is a huge, gaping hole. What is
needed to "fill the void" is a depiction of the kind of
architectures that are expected to use NODAL -- for
example, a protocol-based, web-accessible repository, or
peer-to-peer programs that interact via proxies. (010)
In general, the architectural issues are those of knowledge
insertion and extraction (adding and retrieving knowledge
via some interface), as well as knowledge navigation and
representation (finding and storing knowledge). There are
also related issues of knowledge reduction (collapsing
redundant information) and elimination (throwing away
useless or inaccurate "knowledge"). (011)
In other words, what kinds of architectures have the ability
to solve the grand problems posed in the first section, and
how might they take advantage of NODAL?? Some plausible
hand-waving is needed here to connect the two visions. (012)