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Re: Augment data models posted
On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Eric Armstrong wrote: (01)
> I'm not totally conversant with Property Sets. In particular, I'm not sure
> what a "noderel" is, and how it differs from ac. (02)
I answered this question on the Wiki: (03)
http://www.eekim.com/twiki/bin/view/Library/Augment (04)
> Or, possibly, I have misinterpreted your quandry altogether, in which
> case I never wrote this... (05)
Not at all. Ask away. Socratic learning is great for a community like
this, because it forces people to dump knowledge from their heads to
places where it's accessible to others. This was meant to be a good,
real-life example that people could use to learn about Groves and NODAL. (06)
-Eugene (07)
+=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== eekim@eekim.com ===== http://www.eekim.com/ ===+
| "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they |
+===== can have an excuse to drink alcohol." --Steve Martin ===========+ (08)