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Introducing myself

Hi Everybody,    (01)

Joining the introduction wave, here goes:    (02)

I met Doug when I was working at Logitech in Fremont, CA. I am a member of
the Bootstrap Alliance since 1997. At the same time that I became a member
of the alliance, I left Logitech and went back to Switzerland where I joined
a new lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
(http://www.epfl.ch) interested in modeling of software and information
systems. In 1998 I started a PhD on synthesis and collaborative learning
with the International Institute for Management Developement (IMD), also in
Lausanne Switzerland (http://www.imd.ch). As part of this PhD I developed a
collaborative concept mapping applet and server demoed at
http://icapc4.epfl.ch/Bootstrap. During the course of my project I became
convinced that what I cal general purpose concept mapping is adequate for
science classes at school, for personal note taking and summarizing but not
for collaborative discussions about business or information systems issues.
I am now investigating goal oriented approaches based on system sciences
concepts that I think are more promising for forming synthesis in these
areas.    (03)

My view on the design of OHS is that it is not sufficient to simply provide
checklists of needed features or even use cases or scenarios. While these
are useful in understanding what can be implemented, they do not address the
issues of who the users of OHS are, why will they be using it (what problems
does it solve for them), what do they hope to achieve with it, how will OHS
change the way they work today etc. Unless we have plausible answers to
these questions I don't believe that we can build a coherent OHS.    (04)

Have fun.    (05)

Gil    (06)

Gil Regev
Institute for computer Communications and Applications
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL-ICA)
CH-1015 Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
email: gil.regev@epfl.ch
Web: http://icawww.epfl.ch
Phone: +41-21-693-6790
Fax: +41-21-693-6610
Mobile Phone: (078) 637-5116
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