VIEW buttons help you navigate:
Outline offers a bird's eye view; Numbers and Labels show hotlinks you can click to Jump to, or right click to Copy Link to; Numbers show where you are. Learn more.
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HyperScope 1.0 Basics 0

Hyperscope 1.0 was a browsing tool developed in 2006 that showcased many of the viewing and navigating features called for in Doug Engelbart's open hyperdocument system (OHS). This tool has been replaced by the all-new Hyperscope 2.0. The OHS framework supports dynamic knowledge repositories (DKRs) for purpose of enhancing Collective IQ.

See Resources below for links to HyperScope 1.0 demos, downloads, tutorial, etc.

Features Summary 1

HyperScope 1.0 provides enhanced power and efficiency to your internet browser in a simple, easy-to-use format. HyperScope 1.0 is enabled when browsing webpages tagged for this purpose. The simplest form of HyperScope browsing offers these value-added features: 1a

  • Zoom buttons for zooming in and out of structure 1a1
  • automatic numbering of each object for easy reference 1a2
  • jumping by number 1a3
  • custom view settings 1a4
  • use of the numbers and custom view settings inside URL links 1a5

All designed to provide unified access into a "living" repository of documents, email and other dialog records, intelligence collections, briefings, source code, workflow, etc. 1b

Features Detail 2

Here is a basic description of each feature: 2a

  1. Zoom Buttons visible on the left when you mouse over each paragraph. A zoom button jumps that paragraph to the top of the screen thusly: 2a1
    • the Left zoom button jumps with a ZOOM OUT outline view 2a1a
    • the Middle zoom button jumps with a ZOOM IN outline view 2a1b
    • the Right zoom button jumps with a normal open view 2a1c

  2. Purple numbers on the right are supplied by the browser automatically for each paragraph or object allow for precise jumping, navigating, and linking. 2a2
  3. Jump Button allows you to jump by number. Click on [Jump] and type in a paragraph number or click on the desired paragraph, and then confirm with [OK]. 2a3
  4. Viewspecs Button allows you to create your own view of the file Click on [Viewspecs] and then select viewing options to be turned on or off, then confirm with [Apply]. Notice the shortcuts you can learn and type them in instead of clicking if you want to be fancy ... 2a4
  5. Turbo Mode switches you to an advanced user interface mode, removes the training wheels (the zoom, jump, and viewspecs buttons) into a natural language command mode -- type "ji" for Jump Item (replaces the Jump button) type in a paragraph number or click on desired paragraph, and at the "V:" prompt you enter the viewspec shortcut codes for the view you want when it jumps and confirm with [Enter]. Try "sev" for Set Viewspecs (replaces the Viewspecs button) and enter the viewspec shortcut codes, confirm with [Enter]. There are many more commands. To get back to the push-button browser mode, click [Browser Mode]. 2a5
  6. Bookmark icon allows you to create a link to the view of the file you are currently seeing. Just click on the Bookmark icon to copy the complete link, and then click over to a window where you want to insert the link and Paste it there. The link includes the precise paragraph number and the viewspec shortcut codes so anyone who clicks on that link will arrive at this same spot in the file with this same view. 2a6

Resources 3

Watch HyperScope demos by lead developer Brad Neuberg and others at our demo portal. 3a

Visit the HyperScope 1.0 project website at to learn more and try it yourself.

See also About OHS, and our Technology Showcase to learn more.


Screenshot from the demo Watch demo by lead developer Brad Neuberg

Sample Views

Multiple views of the same document, Authorship Provisions in AUGMENT, browsed using HyperScope:

A zoomed out view


Normal view of SOME BACKGROUND