About NLS / Augment
Doug Engelbart first envisioned his work in the 1950s, published
it in 1962 with a call to "augment the human intellect", and hired a small team of researchers to develop a demonstration
hyper collaborative knowledge environment system called NLS (for oNLine System), first
and publicly demonstrated
in 1968 (see the Mother of All Demos), and continued to evolve it under real world
usage with a team of up to 47 researchers in his now legendary lab at
SRI (Stanford Research Institute, now SRI International), cultivating a networked community of early customer IT pioneers (called "KWAC" for Knowledge Workshop Architect's Community, the first intentional NIC) via the newly formed ARPANet.
Note that the basic functionality of NLS
was envisioned at a time when the nearest computer was 3,000 miles away, and
implemented at a time when the human-computer interface consisted of punch cards and teletypes,
with clumsy line editors to support elite scientific and mathematical applications. So Doug's lab had to prototype much of the underlying technology -- for example they pushed the frontiers in display technology and invented
their own high-performance pointing devices (thus was born the Mouse, invented by Engelbart in
1964), and participated in launching the first computer network so they could leverage network technology for their collaborative applications --as well as needing to develop their own paradigm and vocabulary for this work.
To learn more, see
Pioneering Firsts
and the Resource Links below.
Became "Augment"
NLS entered the commercial world beginning
in 1978, the software and lab acquired by Tymshare's new Office Automation
Division to offer NLS to clients over TymNet as well as ARPANet under the new name "Augment", with continued evolution under more widespread real world usage into
the late 1980s. In 1984 McDonnell Douglas acquired Tymshare into their new suite of IT businesses, and later granted Augment to the Bootstrap Alliance (now the Doug Engelbart Institute*). See Augment's Support of Organizations - A Brief History.
What it offered
NLS/Augment is difficult to describe, since it is a very richly comprehensive environment
of tools and practices for facilitating any scale of heavy knowledge work. True
to the bootstrapping strategy, Doug's lab pioneered progressive work processes
while using each successive version of NLS/Augment for all its own knowledge
work, from drafting, publishing, email, shared screen collaborative viewing
and editing, document cataloging, project management, shared address book, and
all source code development and maintenance -- all in an integrated hyper groupware
environment filled with special features for high performance work.

Augment screenshot circa 2008
For example,
you can create a link to any paragraph or line of code or email paragraph, you can see
when paragraphs and lines of code were last edited and by whom, and even view
a file filtered by author since a certain date and time (as in why doesn't
the code work this morning, let's see who was in there changing what when!),
you can browse with outline views, drill down into the structure of a document
or source code and fly around with a number of precision browsing features and
custom viewing features, and edit the structure as well as the text, within
and across files and application domains.
In the mid 1990s, the we received a DARPA grant to create a modern user interface for Augment (client software written in SmallTalk/VisualWorks for PC, affectionately called Visual AugTerm or VAT), combining windows, drop down menus, etc. with the powerful backend features described above (pictured left). This also included the option of a browser window for browsing the Augment archives, offering a few extra buttons that enabled someone with no knowledge of Augment to explore, easily learn and experience the power of the system. Our Institute staff
used Augment until 2011, migrated from the
mainframe onto a high end unix server (thanks to Sun Microsystems) with TOPS-20
operating system emulator (thanks to Ken Harrenstein).
Visit Demos to see NLS, Augment and HyperScope in action.
What Now?
Engelbart fully expected that all these features supporting high performance
networked knowledge work would continue evolving and migrating out into the commercial realm to become interoperably ubiquitous. Instead, the IT industry took a very different turn. When the web exploded, it did so with very few of the features Doug and his team had learned were crucial. Other than the mouse, windows, and a few other user
interface niceties, his pioneering breakthroughs were largely ignored or discounted.
Not one to
give up easily, Doug later put out a call to action detailing what's missing in today's information technology that, if addressed, would dramatically boost the collective IQ of any team, organization or initiative who learns to harness it. He published requirements for a world wide Open Hyperdocument System (OHS), and an accelerative design strategy to go with it. As a modest demonstration of the OHS opportunity, the HyperScope prototype is evolving to showcase key features.
Learn More
NLS / Augment
The historic significance of NLS/Augment is extensively documented. A few key pieces are included here:
- Tymshare's Augment - Heralding a New Era, by Patricia Seybold, October 1978, published in The Seybold Report on Word Processing, Vol. 1, No. 9 , pp. 1-16.
A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect, Douglas C. Engelbart and William K. English, AFIPS Conference Proceedings of the 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference, San Francisco, CA, 33, December 1968, pp. 395-410 (AUGMENT,3954,). Republished in "Computer Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings," Irene Greif [Ed.], Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, CA, 1988, pp. 81-105. See also Engelbart's videotaped presentation -- aka the "Mother of All Demos" -- of his historic 1968 presentation of this paper at the 1968 conference.
- Workstation History and The Augmented Knowledge Workshop, Douglas C. Engelbart, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on the History of Personal Workstations, Palo Alto, CA, January 9-10, 1986, pp. 73-83 (AUGMENT,101931,). Republished as The Augmented Knowledge Workshop in A History of Personal Workstations, Adele Goldberg [Ed.], ACM Press, New York, 1988, pp. 185-236.
- Authorship
Provisions in AUGMENT, Douglas C. Engelbart, COMPCON '84 Digest, Proceedings
of the 1984, COMPCON Conference, San Francisco, Ca., February 27 - March 1,
Pp. 465-472. (OAD,2250,).
- Collaboration Support Provisions in AUGMENT,
Douglas C. Engelbart, OAC '84 Digest, Proceedings of the 1984, AFIPS Office
Automation Conference, Los Angeles, Ca., February 20-22, Pp. 51-58. (OAD,2221,).
Watch selected Demos - NLS, Augment, and HyperScope demonstrated by Doug and colleagues over the years, captured on video.
Assorted Augment Tutorials and Userguides. Written by the team at Tymshare 1978-1984, later exported from Augment to HTML by Eugene Kim. See especially Augment Quick Reference pocket card for distillation of commands, address elements, and viewspecs. More can be found at Internet Archive and Bitsavers sri::arc.
See also Augment's Support of Organizations - A Brief History, and the Wikipedia page on NLS.
OHS / HyperScope
Key writings in furtherance of OHS and
HyperScope are offered below, followed by a link to
the complete bibliography of Engelbart's publications.
See About OHS and About HyperScope for concept overviews.
OHS Technology Template , Doug Engelbart, Harvey Lehtman, et al.
- Technology Showcase - for tools inspired by Augment, including Hyperscope.
Toward High-Performance Organizations:
A Strategic Role for Groupware, Douglas C. Engelbart, in Proceedings of
the GroupWare'92 Conference, San Jose, CA, August 3-5, 1992, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers. (AUGMENT,132811,).
Watch Doug in the Engelbart Academy - presenting his message for the future in selected interviews, talks and workshops.
See also a full Bibliography
of works by Doug and his research staff.
More Firsts