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Following is a Detailed Listing of publications by Engelbart and his staff. See also
Summary Listing showing only title and year for each publication.
A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Man's Intellect. by Douglas C. Engelbart, Chapter 1 in Vistas in Information Handling, Howerton and Weeks [Ed.], Spartan Books, Washington, D. C., 1963, pp. 1-29. (AUGMENT,133183,). Note: This is an abridged edition of #3. See also
eReader formats.
Republished with articles No. 6, 21, and. 23 below in Computer Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings, Irene Greif [Ed.], Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, CA, 1988, pp. 35-65. Also republished in Organization and Groupware, T. Nishigaki [Ed.], NTT Publishing, 1992.
A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect. Douglas C. Engelbart and William K. English, AFIPS Conference Proceedings of the 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference, San Francisco, CA, 33, December 1968, pp. 395-410 (AUGMENT,3954,). Republished with articles No. 4, 21, and 23 in Computer Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings, Irene Greif [Ed.], Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, CA, 1988, pp. 81-105. Also republished with article No. 3 in New Media Reader, Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort [Ed.], The MIT Press, 2003, Chapters 8 and 16. See also Engelbart's videotaped presentation from this historic 1968 conference (aka "Mother of All Demos").
The Augmented Knowledge Workshop. Douglas C. Engelbart, Richard W. Watson and James C. Norton, AFIPS Conference Proceedings, 42, National Computer Conference, June 4-8, 1973, pp. 9-21 (AUGMENT,14724,).
Display Techniques for Interactive Text Manipulation. Charles H. Irby, AFIPS Conference Proceedings, National Computer Conference, 1974, pp. 247-255 (AUGMENT,133185,).
Line Processor -- A Device for Amplification of Display Terminal Capabilities for Text Manipulation. Donald I. Andrews, AFIPS Conference Proceedings, National Computer Conference, 1974, pp. 257-265 (AUGMENT,20184,).
A High-Level Framework for Network-Based Resource Sharing. James E. White, AFIPS Conference Proceedings, 45, National Computer Conference, June 6-7, 1976, pp. 561-570 (AUGMENT,34263,).
The Command Meta-Language System. Charles H. Irby, 1976 [written for the 1976 National Computer Conference but not published] (AUGMENT,27266,).
The Design and Implementation of DAD, A Multiprocess, Multimachine, Multilanguage Interactive Debugger. Kenneth E. Victor, Proceedings of the Tenth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, University of Hawaii, 1977, pp. 196-199 (AUGMENT,29079,).
Toward Integrated, Evolutionary Office Automation Systems. Douglas C. Engelbart, Proceedings of the Joint Engineering Management Conference, Denver, CO, October 16-18 1978, pp. 63-68 (AUGMENT,71279,). Republished with article No. 20 below in "Emerging Office Systems," Robert Landau, James Bair and Jeannie Siegman, [Ed.], Ablex Publications Corporation, Norwood, NJ, 1982, pp. 297-308.
Evolving the Organization of the Future: A Point of View. Douglas C. Engelbart, Proceedings of the Stanford International Symposium on Office Automation, March 23-25, 1980 (AUGMENT,80360,). Republished with Item No.19 above in "Emerging Office Systems," Robert Landau, James Bair and Jeannie Siegman, [Ed.], Ablex Publications Corporation, Norwood, NJ, 1982, pp. 287-296.
Toward High-Performance Knowledge Workers. Douglas C. Engelbart, OAC '82 Digest, Proceedings of the AFIPS Office Automation Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 5-7 1982, pp. 279-290 (AUGMENT,81010,). Republished with articles No. 4, 6, 19 and 23 in Computer Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings, Irene Greif [Ed.], Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, CA, 1988, pp. 67-78.
Authorship Provisions in AUGMENT. Douglas C. Engelbart, COMPCON '84 Digest: Proceedings of the COMPCON Conference, San Francisco, CA, February 27 - March 1, 1984, pp. 465-472 (OAD,2250,). Republished with articles No.4, 6, and 21 in Computer Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings, Irene Greif [Ed.], Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, CA, 1988, pp. 107-126. Also in Groupware: Software for Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, D. Marca and G. Bock [Ed.], IEEE, 1992.
The Augmentation System Framework. Douglas C. Engelbart and Kristina Hooper, a chapter in Interactive Multimedia, Sueann Ambron and Kristina Hooper [Ed.], Microsoft Press, 1988, pp. 14-31 [print-version] (AUGMENT,133187,).
Bootstrapping and the Handbook Cycle. Douglas C. Engelbart and Christina Engelbart, Telematics and Informatics, 7: 1, January 5 1990, pp. 27-32 (AUGMENT,132418,).
Knowledge-Domain Interoperability and an Open Hyperdocument System. Douglas C. Engelbart, Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Los Angeles, CA, October 7-10, 1990, pp. 143-156 (AUGMENT,132082,). Republished in Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook, Emily Berk and Joseph Devlin [Ed.], McGraw-Hill, 1991, pp. 397-413.
Special bound collections of Engelbart's articles and management seminar courseware:
The Augmentation Papers - A Collection since 1960, Douglas C. Engelbart, 1994. A bound collection of papers by Doug Engelbart and his staff (articles #2-29 from Section 1 above, plus Item 1 from Section 4 below), plus a short biographical sketch. Chronicles the progression and unfolding of Engelbart's work. This item is currently out of print.
Boosting Our Collective IQ: A Selection of Readings, Douglas C. Engelbart, 1995. 31 pages. Originally published in a special edition of 2,000 copies for attendees of the Fourth International World Wide Web Conference, December 1995, to mark the occasion of the SoftQuad Web Award being presented to Doug Engelbart at that conference. Includes three key papers from Section 1 above edited together (articles #30, #28, #29), plus epilogue and award information.
Video recordings of presented papers. Many of the above papers were delivered at conferences, but just a few were captured on film or video, listed below:
Watch A
Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect (90-min) - 1968, Douglas C. Engelbart and team - now known
as the "Mother of All Demos." More ways to watch at In his conference session, Engelbart and his team chose to show, rather than tell about, their research in this live online hypermedia
presentation at the Fall Joint Computer Conference, San Francisco,
CA, December 1968. See companion Article A
Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect (Item #6
above). Engelbart and team presented the world debut of the computer mouse, computing for knowledge work and team work, video teleconferencing, and
other significant firsts.
Watch The Augmented Knowledge Workshop. Douglas
C. Engelbart, 1986. An 82-min. video recording of Engelbart's
presentation at the ACM Conference on the History of Personal
Workstations, Palo Alto, CA, January 9-10, 1986; companion
to Article #24 above. Details the evolutionary
development of NLS, including design rationale, and concrete
implementation and usage by his team, leading up to the 1968
demo and beyond. Includes historic photos plus 20 minutes
of footage excerpted from the historic 1968 FJCC demonstration.
More ways to watch at
Computer-Aided Display Control - Final Report,
Douglas C. Engelbart,
Jul 1965.
Prepared for NASA Langley Research Center, Contract NAS1-3988, Report Number NASA-CR-66111, SRI Project No. 5061.
Available in PDF/Print and eReader formats. 5a6