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The Doug Engelbart Institute is delighted to showcase these university courses, and the faculty pioneering them, in teaching and/or applying Doug Engelbart's visionary work. Inspiration for this Showcase came from Professor Gardner Campbell, Associate Professor of English, then also Dean of University College, Virginia Commonwealth University, whose recent tribute to Doug Engelbart included: 1a
"it is good also to see and remember what school at its best can be, and is: a means of augmenting human intellect, a place for bootstrapping, a place for hearts and minds to work and play together..."read more
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Dr. Campbell chose this 200 level required course in which to offer a ground-breaking collaborative approach to learning and conducting research on the web. Reading assignments are drawn from the New Media Reader, including seminal works by Doug Engelbart and other notable thought leaders and pioneers of the Information Age, who envisioned the web in part as a venue for pursuing one's thoughts as "trails of wonder, rigorously explored," connecting the dots while inspiring, and gathering inspiration from, each other. Instead of showing up for a lecture, or tuning in online for one, the course challenged students to be inspired participants, to blog their impressions to the class at large, to inquire, comment, tweet, weigh in, to find their voice, to contribute to the growing repository of knowledge in the course's mother blog and twitter stream. The course culminates in a final multi-media project, also blogged, while commenting upon others' projects and lessons learned. The design of the course, and the process for continuously evolving and tweaking the design using the tools provided for the course, as a networked improvement community, are also inspired by Engelbart's bootstrapping strategy (see the case study in our Community Showcase). The resulting unique learning environment was the subject of a doctoral dissertation at University of Minnesota, titled "Third Learning Spaces in Open Online Courses: Findings from an Interpretive Case Study," by Suzan Koseoglu (see our Student Showcase for details on her dissertation, as well as final course project presentation by undergrads Will and Anisa)
Watch Gardner Campbell present highlights and learnings from the Thought Vectors course
Watch these highlights from the course
experience from the students
Visit our Student Showcase for more on PhD candidate Suzan Koseoglu's dissertation, and undergrad Awardees Will and Anisa's course project.
Visit our Community Showcase where Gardner's initiative is showcased as a networked improvement community, and see also more of Christina's blog posts about his initiatives.
Engelbart Scholar Award Two lucky students enrolling in the course awarded $5,000 each
toward course
tuition and internship with the Doug Engelbart Institute
[ award announcement | press ]
Watch these highlights of the
Engelbart Scholar Award experience
Course: Engelbart's Unfinished Legacy
CS 377E - Spring 2015 at the Stanford ""
Inspired by Engelbart's vision of improving our collective capability to address important challenges, this course teaches interdisciplinary student teams to apply state of the art Design Thinking methodology to collectively address Global Grand Challenges on a local level. Taught at Stanford's Institute of Design (
In CS 377E: Designing for Global Grand Challenges, James Landay encourages students to develop web applications for those who have been left out of the technology revolution. Student teams took on issues ranging from unconscious bias in performance reviews to global warming, and while Landay recognizes that no one team is going to solve these problems alone, the class opens students’ eyes to the types of things that need to be done and broadens their view of the possibilities to make an impact in engineering.