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About Adam Cheyer0

Portrait - Adam CheyerAdam was co-founder and vice president of engineering of Siri Inc., and, after Apple acquired the company, a director of engineering in Apple's iOS group. As a startup, Siri won the Innovative Web Technologies award at SXSW, and was chosen a Top Ten Emerging Technology by MIT's Technology Review; Apple's version of Siri was presented "Best Technical Achievement" at the 2011 Crunchies Awards, and is now available on hundreds of millions of devices.

Adam was also a a member of the founding team at, an international community of 70 million members who fight for what's right locally, nationally, and globally. Adam also co-founded Genetic Finance, which distributes machine learning algorithms across more than 1M CPUs to discover novel solutions to complex problems.

As a researcher in Artificial Intelligence at SRI International, Adam authored more than 70 publications and 15 patents. He was Chief Architect of CALO, the largest AI project in US history. Adam graduated with highest honors from Brandeis University and received the "Outstanding Masters Student" from UCLA's School of Engineering.

For more see Adam's website