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The Doug Engelbart Institute is a proud sponsor of the Engelbart Scholar Award, which serves to support and inspire students of Engelbart's work at partner universities. The Award is connected to a specific professor and course at the university, and covers the Awardee's tuition in that course, a Spring tour of the Engelbart Archive Collection in the San Francisco area, and the opportunity to intern with the Doug Engelbart Institute. Awardees participate in selected project(s) that advance the Engelbart legacy, to culminate in a final project presented at year end.
The Engelbart Scholar Award was first conceived and launched at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, VA, by Gardner Campbell, Vice Provost for Learning Innovation and Student Success, Dean of University College, and Associate Professor of English. VCU and the Doug Engelbart Institute jointly sponsor two Awardees each academic year (see below)
See University Showcase for more on the professors and their courses that feature Doug Engelbart's work.
Two Awardees are selected each year at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, VA. The Awards are sponsored jointly by VCU and the Doug Engelbart Institute.
Leader:Gardner Campbell, Vice Provost for Learning Innovation and Student Success,
Will Sullivan: Sophomore at VCU School of the Arts majoring in Illustration/Painting & Printmaking (press)
Mary Anisa Kannen: Junior at VCU School of Engineering majoring in Biomedical Engineering/Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry
Their Final Project: Will and Anisa starred in two videos about the Thought Vectors course and Award program, and presented a join final project at VCU AltFest in May 2015:
Watch Anisa & Will presenting
"Engelbart Recontextualized: Reworing Frameworks for Reworking Frameworks (and more similarly meta things)"
"My solution was to [...] focus on the goals behind his work, something that’s important to emphasize because our use of computers has yet to reach the potential Engelbart had in mind."
– Philip Heinrich, Honors Freshman, Baylor Univ. Spring 2009
"Doug thought at scale. He understood that a car is not simply a faster tricycle. He had faith that an augmented intellect, joined to millions of other augmented intellects, could clarify individual thought even as it empowered vast new modes of thinking, new modes of complex understanding that could grasp intricately meaningful symbols as quickly and comprehensively as we can recognize a loved one’s face."
– Gardner Campbell,
Philip's professor