VIEW buttons help you navigate:
Outline offers a bird's eye view; Numbers and Labels show hotlinks you can click to Jump to, or right click to Copy Link to; Numbers show where you are. Learn more.

A Quick Tour of the Augment Browser - Abridged

Welcome to Christina Engelbart's no frills 2008 demo of the Augment Browser -- including Zoom buttons, purple numbers, Jump, Viewspecs, Filtering, Create Link, through the progressive user interface levels, from "Class 1" level up to "Turbo" level basics. This demo also serves as an early prototype case example of Doug Engelbart's world wide Open Hyperdocument System (OHS). Christina is using 1980s era Augment, with a 1996 era windows-style user interface called Visual AugTerm (VAT). A rough but informative production.

Contents this Demo:

  1. NOTE: About the Augment Browser (1 minutes)
  2. DEMO: Augment - Beginner Browser "Class 1" (3 minutes)
    An intro to Zoom Buttons and Purple Numbers
  3. DEMO: Augment - "Class 2" Browser (11 minutes)
    Adding Jump, Viewspecs, Filter, Create Link.
    Using them in combination.
  4. DEMO: Augment - "Turbo Class" Basics (34 minutes)
    Morphing to a high performance UI, with
    integrated editing and precision browsing,
    cross window jumping and editing, ...

Please keep in mind this is just a rough cut trial demo (i.e. first take, draft script, unedited), the intention being to then create a proper demo as funding permits. You might want to increase the playback speed (click above to start play, in the playback window click on the Settings gear icon and select the playback speed). Please also be kind about the 1995 era UI, keeping in mind that the ideas are what's important, what it will do for you, and that any OHS worth its salt has many UI choices - what would yours look like?