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Engelbart Audio Resources

Audio Collection 0

Talks & Interviews 1

New! Collective IQ & Human Augmentation, with Doug Engelbart (2007) - Brad Reddersen interviews Doug Engelbart for the Apr 4, 2007 episode of the Stranova Interview Series. In this session, learn about one man’s lifelong passion to create a meaningful legacy of work that could benefit all mankind – the means by which we can harness our Collective Intelligence and Human Augmentation.
Large-Scale Collective IQ (2004) - Doug Engelbart's keynote at Accel­er­at­ing Change 2004, Nov 7, at Stanford University. Doug shares his inspiration, his seminal research, the important challenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties still ahead, his marriage proposal to his wife Ballard, learning trick bike riding as a kid, etc. Also available on Video. Follow along with Doug's slides, Abstract and Conference Website. Many thanks to Doug Kay and ITConver­sa­tions for cap­tur­ing this talk on conference radio, and for Garder Campbell's thoughtful post produc­tion editing and blogpost re: his experience (search to "podcast").
A "Bootstrapping" Strategy (1995) - Doug Engelbart's talk at the 1995 New Paradigms for Using Computers conference, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA. Browse Abstract and Audio Excerpt. Also available on Video. Using the Bootstrap Paradigm Map pre­sen­ta­tion slides he gives a summary overview of the impetus for his work and the important work yet to be done. The audio is an excerpt from his talk, covering slides #1-10.
Douglas Engelbart on GUI (1998) - Nobuyuki Hayashi interviews Doug Engelbart on his visit to Tokyo, November 1998, to promote the Bootstrap Alliance. This is a 7-minute excerpt of their one hour interview.

Oral Histories 2

Computer History Museum: Oral History Interview with Douglas Engelbart by John Markoff for the Computer History Museum.. 2a

Stanford University: Oral History Interview with Douglas Engelbart by Henry Lowood and Judy Adams for Stanford Libraries Special Collections. See Interview Transcripts in interactive or pdf/print formats. Part of the Stanford Oral History Project interviews, 1971-1995. 2b

The Smithsonian Museum: Oral History Interview with Douglas Engelbart by Jon Eklund for the National Museum of American History, May 4, 1994. Based on a 1994 videotaped interview. 2c

Readings 3

New! Excerpts from Engelbart's Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework, read by Prof. Gardner Campbell for his Framework Annotation site, included here with permission:

Section I - Introduction | read along | learn more

Section II - Conceptual Framework - Parts A & B | read along | learn more

Section III - Examples and Discussion - Part A 1 & 2 | read along | learn more

Talks & Podcasts by Others 4

New! Douglas Engelbart - Inventing the 21st Century (2023) - feature story by Ian Woolf for Diffusion Science Radio. In this podcast, "we look back to the man who wanted to augment human intelligence to help us work together to solve the world's most complex problems, and in doing so invented the 21st Century. How do we get smart enough to solve the really difficult problems we have in the world? Douglas Engelbart, computer pioneer and visionary, said "the better we get at getting better, the faster we will get better" where our problem-solving abilities are constantly improved, and therefore so is everything we do!" See also Show Notes.

Available Here: Listen at Apple Podcasts

New! How Douglas Engelbart predicted the future of computing (2022) - feature story by Steven Johnson for Netguru's Hidden Heroes series. "More than 50 years ago, Douglas Engelbart gave the “mother of all demos” that transformed software forever. The computer world has been catching up with his vision ever since. [...] Now available on your favorite podcast streaming platform. [...] Hidden Heroes is a tribute to innovators who set the foundations on which we build vital solutions for the modern world. Their inventions make the world run, but their stories remain hidden. Until now. Hidden Heroes uncovers unexpected connections between great human stories and technologies and ideas that are widespread public phenomena today." See companion article by same name.

Available Here: Listen now | more ways to listen

New! 1968: When The World Began (2018) - Mark Pesce teams with Genevieve Bell on the 50th anniversary of the Mother of All Demos for this four-part podcast series "exploring transformations that completely rewrote the relationship between ourselves and our machines." In 1968, Douglas Engelbart's demo – "the most important hour in the history of computing [...] drew back the curtain on the world we all live in today." It was the culmination of a wave of change that crested in 1968. Here we examine the confluence of art, interactivity and intelligence augmentation that played out against the most chaotic year of the 20th century." Find Podcast Miniseries aired Dec 2018. Two of the four feature Doug Engelbart's seminal work:

#3 The Mother of All Demos | Show Notes
#4 Return to a Square | Show Notes

What the Dormouse Said (2005) - John Markoff speaks at the SDForum Distinguished Speaker Series about his book, What The Dormouse Said: How the 60s Counterculture Shaped the PC Industry. In the 1960s, John McCarthy was working on replacing human intelligence using artificial intelligence, and Doug Engelbart was working on augmenting human intelli­gence using computers. Both had a profound influence. Markoff talks about their contributions, and how the PC revolution unfolded. (Note: this is a two-part audio.)

Part 1 - Abstract
Part 2 - Abstract

New! Advent of Computing (2019-2021) - Sean Haas podcast series "covers the shocking, intriguing, and all too often relevant history of computing." Following are his sessions featuring Doug Engelbart's early contributions, also curated on Podchaser. See also his HUMAN'22 Keynote Abstract Doug Engelbart, edge notched cards, and early links.

The Demo - Abstract - aired Apr 22, 2019

Edge-Notched - Abstract - aired Jun 23, 2019

Evolution of the Mouse - Abstract - aired Dec 2, 2019

The oN-Line System, Part 1 - Abstract - aired Nov 15, 2021

The oN-Line System, Part 2 - Abstract - aired Nov 29, 2021


Learn More 5

  Image of Historic Firsts chart Browse our Gallery of Historic Firsts

Engelbart's Historic Legacy 5a

Browse our Gallery of Epic Firsts for fun facts, story, and archive footage of the Demo, the Mouse, the onLine System (NLS), his early Vision and Design Strategy, and other groundbreaking firsts. For where he was headed with those early experiments with edge-notched cards, see especially For Knowledge Work and Hyperlinked.

From his writings, see especially:

  1. Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework - Doug Engelbart's seminal 1962 report laying out his vision for humanity, pivotal computing paradigm, research agenda, and revolutionary design strategy for bootstrapping a revolution.
  2. Special Considerations of the Individual as a User, Generator, and Retriever of Information, Engelbart's 1961 paper detailing his early experiments with edge-notched cards as a case example of his research goals; also summarized in Some Possibilities section of his 1962 report.
  3. A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect, his 1968 paper with chief engineer Bill English, provides a detailed overview of the NLS system used in the 1968 demo, and its widespread use within their lab that was developing it.

On Bootstrapping the Future 5b

Learn about his Vision for the Future, his Strategy for bootstrapping that future, and his Call to Action -- now more relevant and pressing than ever.

From his writings, see especially:

  1. Quick Read: Dreaming of the Future (1 page)
  2. Quick Read: Evolving the Organization of the Future: A Point of View (8 pages)
  3. Improving Our Ability to Improve: A Call for Investment in a New Future (14 pages)
  4. Toward High-Performance Organizations: A Strategic Role for Groupware (24 pages) and its 4-page overview Bootstrapping Organizations into the 21st Century - A Strategic Framework