New Interactive Video Gallery 0

Demonstrating a new facility where you can embed multiple videos, each with hotlinked chapters and key take-aways, allowing your visitors to freely, seamlessly browse your videos' contents, gallery wide. The following is a sampling of the implementation. Courtesy of the Doug Engelbart Institute. Doug Engelbart pioneered interactive computing, and interactive knowledge. Visit the Engelbart Academy for implementation ideas and inspiration. We hope you enjoy this new video experience! Many thanks to Mark Crowell at Wicky Design for sharing this precursor.

Known Bug: When you have one video in play, and click an item under a different video, you have to click it again to get the desired start time.

Acceptance Speech - Lemelson-MIT Prize

Doug summarizes his career and 'unfinished revolution' in his acceptance speech upon receiving the 1997 Lemelson-MIT Prize, which "honors outstanding inventors dedicated to improving our world through technological innovation."


IBM New Paradigms Symposium

Doug presenting his strategy for raising collective IQ and transformation capacity, essentially a 'lightening talk' intro to his "Paradigm Map"at the 1995 IBM Symposium on New Paradigms for Using Computers.


A New Paradigm for Humanity's IQ (6 min)

Summarizing Doug's career, seminal achievements,
and 'unfinished revolution', produced in 2013 by
the Computer History Museum and Logitech, Inc. in
celebration of his life's work. Includes footage
from his 1968 demo and a 2002 interview.


Doug Engelbart's Call to Action

Tribute video produced in honor of Doug's 2009 NMC Fellow Award by the New Media Consortium. With footage from a 2002 interview, and short clips from the 1968 demo; excellent intro to Doug's thinking.


Visionary Leader - Doug Engelbart

Futurist Marc Doyle interviews Doug Engelbart for his series "Visionary Leaders of the Information Age". Leads with a brief intro with historic footage. Produced 1995 by JCN Educational Network. See Doug's slides.


Instructions for DIY 2

Interactive Video Gallery player demo courtesy of the Doug Engelbart Institute watch it in action in the Engelbart Academy (beta).

To adapt to your own purposes:

  1. View page source for this file for reference, and to copy code into your gallery.
  2. Copy the Interactive Video Gallery script to the end of your html code
  3. For each player in your gallery, copy an iframe block with Contents list from the TEMPLATE source code in this document - change three things
    1. id="playern" Each iframe gets a unique player number beginning with player1
    2. src= change the VIDEOID, and the desired ?start=000&end=000 times in seconds if any
    3. origin="hostingwebsite.url" change to the website hosting your file
    4. Fill in your Caption, Description, and Contents list (player number same as iframe id)
  4. In the javascript player ID table, list your player numbers used with their corresponding VIDEOID, one pair for each iframe block in your gallery. Note: no extra player ID pairs, just those used in the iframe blocks, or the script will fail.
  5. For overall structure, feel free to copy our style settings. We used table format for legacy reasons, you may want to use div format. Our live Engelbart Academy (beta) application has more elaborate responsive styling.