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Re: [ba-ohs-talk] 3-layer Architecture Purpose of DKR?

On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Rod Welch wrote:    (01)

> Recently, evidence seems to be accumulating that not only is a
> connected record psychologically debilitating, so, too, is the process
> of creating links that provide context for converting information into
> knowledge.  Again, recall that Doug provided Purple Numbers in the OHS
> Launch Plan, and later Eugene began adding addressable anchors in
> OHS/DKR email, yet it is not clear that anyone has ever in two (2)
> years used one of those links, including Doug and Eugene, as shown in
> the record on 020812...
> http://www.welchco.com/sd/08/00101/02/02/08/12/091456.HTM#TV9K    (02)

I don't think "the record", I mean your record, is accurate.
While it is true to say that people _rarely_ use the purple numbers
provide in the archive of this forum they are certainly used on
occassion in the ba-* lists and in the unrev-ii list. See for
example these two URLs that point to the same message from
Eugene:    (03)

  http://www.burningchrome.com/~cdent/uviz/cgi/index.cgi?messageid=3083    (04)

Also, outside the BA context, see the archives of a readings
group I hosted over the last several months where we used purple
numbers in both the archive and in something called an Arts
repository (a sort of "record").    (05)

The archive:    (06)

  http://www.burningchrome.com/archive/augury    (07)

Two messages using purple to reference messages in the archive:    (08)

  A bibliography:
  http://www.burningchrome.com/archives/augury/msg00132.html    (09)

  A request for input:
  http://www.burningchrome.com/archives/augury/msg00146.html    (010)

I would provide references to the use of purple numbers in the ba-
lists but...    (011)

...as discussed in this forum several times, the use of purple
numbers is inhibited by lack of useful access to the archives and
the purple numbers. I and several others have agitated for    (012)

 - a search interface to the archive
   - I have two of these for the old unrev-ii list, you may use
     them at http://www.burningchrome.com/~cdent/uviz/
   - I have insufficient resources at this time to do this for
     the ba-* lists, but will, with help
 - a way to get the URL of the archived message into the outgoing
   message to the list
   - I have written code that does this. See:
     http://www.bootstrap.org/lists/ba-ohs-talk/0208/msg00017.html    (013)

I do think there is some value in your comments. It is true that
people frequently do not take the time or make the effort to take
advantage of the tools available to them. It appears, many times,
that this is because they don't take the task seriously enough.    (014)

I don't think that is the case, and to presume such is an
arrogant projection of one's own interests, energy and skills
upon others.    (015)

Therefore, it seems wise to consider--and this is where I think
you continually make your error and make yourself appear a bit
inhuman--what can be done to make tools which are usable to a
wide body of people, not just Rod Welch. You have habituated
yourself to a certain style of work with your tools. You've been
using them for a long time.    (016)

I have habituated myself to using purple numbers, when available
and when applicable. Other people don't yet get them. They will
someday, but we must remember that in many cases, such as
conversational email, there are already habits in place which
have come about to accomplish (to a perhaps less effective
degree) that for which purple numbers are designed. For example,
effective old-school users of email type the text of their
response within the quoted text to which they are responding. The
references are right there, no need to make URL references.    (017)

Yes, I totally agree with one of your subtexts: to be effective
we must change ourselves, along with changing technology.
However, there is no pure position of reason from which we can
design. We must lay the groundwork for a diverse application of
many different tools and habits. From that groundwork we can find
the many (and different) effective solutions.    (018)

Chris Dent  <cdent@burningchrome.com>  http://www.burningchrome.com/~cdent/
"If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are
opportunities to change things, that hope is possible, then hope may be
justified, and a better world may be built. That's your choice.'' N.Chomsky    (019)