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[ba-unrev-talk] Increase in Internet Borders

(Sourced from FindLaw.com newsletter)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A59227-2002Jan3.html    (01)

"It is the modern-day equivalent of a border sentry. When visitors try to
enter UKBetting.com, a computer program checks their identification to
determine where they're dialing in from. Most people are waved on through.
Those from the United States, China, Italy and other countries where
gambling laws are muddy, however, are flashed a sign in red letters that
says "ACCESS DENIED" and are locked out of the Web site.    (02)

"For much of its life, the Internet has been seen as a great democratizing
force, a place where nobody needs know who or where you are. But that notion
has begun to shift in recent months, as governments and private businesses
increasingly try to draw boundaries around what used to be a borderless
Internet to deal with legal, commercial and terrorism concerns."    (03)

Peter    (04)