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[ba-unrev-talk] CITRIS: HP to Identify & Flesh out Collaborative Research Projects

The Center of Information Technology Research in the Interests of
Society (CITRIS) is a Partnership with Industry    (01)

                    “I believe we are now entering
                    the Renaissance phase of the
                    Information Age, where
                    creativity and ideas are the new
                    currency, and invention is a
                    primary virtue, where technology
                    truly  has the power to
                    transform lives, not just
                    businesses, where technology can
                    help us solve fundamental
                    problems.” - Carly Fiorina, CEO,
                    Hewlett Packard Corporation    (02)

So, on May 8, 2002, HP Lab Researchers are presenting their work from
10:00 am - 5:00 pm to the UC Berkeley community to identify and flesh
out collaborative research projects in the CITRIS Initiative. For more
information, e-mail JoAnne Peinado < jpeinado@eecs.berkeley.edu > or
call (510) 643-2200.
<  http://citris.berkeley.edu/hp_day.html >    (03)

The CITRIS Initiative
The CITRIS Initiative is focused on wireless 1) Distributed Info
Systems, 2) Micro sensors and actuators, 3) Human-Computer Interaction,
and 4) Prototype Deployment for applications dealing with a)
Quality-of-Life emphasis, and b) initially leverage existing expertise
on campuses concerning:    (04)

   * Security, Policy
   * Probabilistic Systems
   * Formal Techniques
   * Data management
   * Simulation    (05)

with the Best Technology for The World’s Biggest Challenges    (06)

   * Energy Efficiency
   * Transportation Planning
   * Monitoring Health Care    (07)

Supporting CITRIS Goals    (08)

   * Future Opportunities and the Challenges Lie at the Boundaries
     Between Technology and Global Society
        o We Must Focus Our Attention on Societal-Scale Systems that
          Will Build Bridges Between People Throughout the World
             + Within the next decade, we will develop a sustainable
               business model and associated collection of system
               architectures and component technologies for providing
               affordable and useful digital services to the four
               billion people on earth earning less than $1,500/year.
             + Within the next decade, we will develop and deploy
               sustainable and affordable technology that will guarantee
               reliable access to clean drinking water for over 90% of
               the people and animals on earth.
             + Within the next decade, we will develop and deploy
               monitoring and control systems that can reduce both
               commercial and domestic energy waste by over 90%.
             + Within the next half century, we will develop and deploy
               appropriate sustainable, affordable and reliable energy
               sources for use by all people throughout the world.
             + Within the next fifteen years, we will improve the
               average literacy levels in the world by 5 grade-years by
               making compelling, culturally-relevant, cost-effective
               and robust digital tutor technology available to any
               interested group on this planet.
             +  Within the next decade, we will reduce the unemployment
               rate of people with disabilities by 50% throughout the
             + Within the next decade, we will increase the average
               duration of time by which and elderly person can live
               comfortably at home by at least five years.
             + Within the next decade, we will provide affordable access
               to all known authored works on line. This will include
               all contemporary and historical documents, works of art,
               film, and recorded performances.    (09)

The key is Disruptive ‘Business Models’ whereby "Societal-scaled
Information Systems" are based on "Disruptive Technology", "Disruptive
Methodology", and a "Disruptive Business Model" leading to a “Triple
Bottom Line" (i.e., financial ROI, environmental ROI, and societal ROI )    (010)

E.G., the wireless Grameen "Village Phone" - a Disruptive Societal-Scale
Business Model    (011)

   * ‘Village Phone’ is a unique idea that provides modern
     telecommunication services to the poor people of Bangladesh.    (012)

   * The goal is to provide telecommunication services to the 100
     million rural inhabitants in the 68,000 villages in Bangladesh—the
     largest wireless pay phone project in the World.    (013)

   * See Video: Economist Muhammad Yunus and his CITRIS talk on how IT
     can combat global poverty
     <  http://citris.berkeley.edu/yunus.html >    (014)

In order to succeed in this multi-disciplinary endeavor, CITRIS hopes to
tap campus databases to aid research across disciplines, but Ruzena
Bajcsy (Director) says:    (015)

          "The information technologies are just a medium,
          like Gutenberg’s printing press, to help us address
          society’s most pressing problems."    (016)

          And her colleague says:    (017)

          "We’ve got massive databases now, but we haven’t
          built the information processing systems yet to be
          able to mine those databases and extract patterns
          and trends in the data," he said. "Essentially, all
          we have right now is noise."
          >    (018)

So, I believe a potential collaborative research project based on all of
the above, including the following links about:    (019)

   * The "Universal Cell Phone"
     Mobile phones work only in some areas, and they become obsolete
     rapidly, as new features are developed. So, flexible software in
     phones and wireless networks could change all that. <
     http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/shapley0401.asp >    (020)

   * The "Cognitive Radio" <
     http://www.it.kth.se/~jmitola/cognitiveRadio.ppt > underdevelopment
     with Natural Language Processing and Dynamic Knowledge
     (see illustrations on: pg. 12 Cognitive Cycle, pg. 14
     Cognitive_NLP, pg. 16 Cognitive_DKR, and pg. 17 Cognitive Radio
     Achitecture)    (021)

   * TouchGraph topic maps <  http://www.touchgraph.com/ >    (022)

   * Perception, Action Planning, and Cognitive Maps
     >    (023)

   * TinyOS for a Location-Based Context-Aware Sensor Infrastructure <
     http://guir.berkeley.edu/projects/location/> <
     http://today.CS.Berkeley.EDU/tos/ >    (024)

   * SensorML < http://vast.uah.edu/SensorML/SensorML_0601.ppt >    (025)

   * Multivalent Browser < tour:
     >, incl. a Global Information System (GIS) Viewer <
     http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wilensky/MVD-GIS.html> <
     http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/tour/gis.html >    (026)

   * "Resources for Image-based  Humanities Computing" <
     http://www.rch.uky.edu/~mgk/looksee/ >.    (027)

Is, IMHO, the integration of the technology given above for "Anytime,
Anywhere, Any Type, Every Way User-Improvable Digital Documents and
Systems" is a powerful combination for accelerating our Bootstrap
Alliance development of an Hyperscope/OHS, DKR, and profound knowledge
where technology can help us solve fundamental, complex, and urgent
global problems.    (028)