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Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Fwd: Stop Media Monopoly (MoveOn))

EXCERPT from Gary Richmond's communication of Fri. 2003-05-09 at 13:21:    (01)

... When we talk to Congresspeople about this issue, their response is
usually the same: "We only hear from media lobbyists on this. It seems
like my constituents aren't very concerned with this issue." ...
Yes, Gary, we are on a very slippery slope. The general public is
otherwise occupied, if not with work or collecting welfare then with
watching sitcoms and other forms of entertainment. That makes for a
useful tool in the hands of those in power. Here is a relevant entry
from the American Heritage Dictionary:    (02)

bread and circuses    (03)

PLURAL NOUN: Offerings, such as benefits or entertainments, intended to
placate discontent or distract attention from a policy or situation.
ETYMOLOGY: Translation of Latin pnem et circnss, a phrase coined by the
Roman poet Juvenal : pnem, accusative singular of pnis, bread + et, and
+ circnss, circus games.    (04)

Another stance we can take, besides writing legislators, is not to feed
money into those media conglomerates. I'd love to see Disneyland, but I
won't go. And I won't feed any more money into Microsoft even though
Windows XP may well be very enticing. Is this stance effective? I doubt
it, but what else can one do.    (05)

Henry    (06)