[unrev-II] Fwd: [issues] An American voice in the midst of our shared crisis

From: Jack Park (jackpark@thinkalong.com)
Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 11:36:55 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Lucid Thinking"

    >From: James N Rose <integrity@ceptualinstitute.com>
    >Dear and respected friends,
    >I stand to make my personal position known, counter to what many of my
    >countryfolk think and hold.
    >Violence and military actions will not bring any satisfactory end to the core
    >cultural conflicts that we are faced to immediately confront.
    >I value and cherish the lives of my Islamic sisters and brothers as much as my
    >Christian, Buddhist, agnostic, Jewish and other, sisters and
    >brothers. And more
    >importantly, I cherish and fear for all our world's children. I am of a
    >unlisted here so my concern is with every and all. Do not try to
    >categorize the
    >reason for my embrace, simply know that it is, and that it is real.
    >We are at a moment when human conversation alone is the path to
    >salvation. The
    >sheer force of pervasive commercial involvement was to have been an effective
    >mechanism for global coordination and unification BUT it falls short of the
    >first priority: human dignity, in all the forms that people choose - and have
    >the right to self determine - that such dignity entails for themselves and
    >communities of mutual concern.
    >It is time to bring all our wariness, our demands and aspirations, and
    >come to a
    >meeting to finally resolve a safe and dignified future for all peoples and
    >cultures. It is time to come to Council and be prepared to receive and give
    >accomodations immediately. To express needs and act definitively to
    >provide for
    >all neighbors' welfares.
    >Billions of years of life on this planet have succeeded and flourished
    >based on
    >required coherent diversity of life-types. Humanity is no exception.
    >Mono-culture will never be the securing base for a holistic unified economic
    >globe. Cultural diversity .. which reactively seems to be each culture's
    >and threat .. is in fact the only way humanity will thrive and advance.
    >We must really know and believe that. Our differences are our mutual
    >not some threat to personal traditions. But we are required to not just think
    >of each other that way, but to ACT in protection of traditions not of our
    >personal choosing or practice.
    >I call for an immediate assembly of economic leaders, religious
    >media specialists, and high ranking heads of state to a Global Welfare
    >I call on all parties to a moratorium on all aggression of any and all sorts
    >planet wide for a period of at least 90 days while the assembly
    >convenes. That
    >includes any and all 'preparations' for aggression of any and all sorts while
    >this assembly of goodwill is in session. And such commitment extended as each
    >anniversary of time draws near.
    >I call on all parties to be ready to commit to receive and give changes of
    >performance, opinions and beliefs in order to achieve the anticipated goal:
    >Dignity and the space to live self determined but mutually
    >supportive/acknowledged lives together.
    >Our human species must change its value system. We must respect life more
    >we concern ourselves with existence after life. Not deny that next realm, but
    >raise the respect of life to a par with it.
    >Every life deserves a voice in the world and having that voice heard and
    >respected .. by actions of respect, not just words of it.
    >My heart is with all of you, but love is not enough, nor is choosing
    >non-violence. If we do not survive diversely, we shall persish uniformly
    >- and
    >completely. This is the moment of transformation. It is something totally
    >new in the experience of history and in the mindmemories of human beings. We
    >are about to - because we CAN - reinvent ourselves. It is frightening and
    >unmapped, but we have the seminal skills to do it and therefore, with great
    >confidence and courage .. we must.
    >I bless you my friends, my esteemed and cherished life companions, and ask for
    >your blessing in return. It is YOUR opinion and feeling than matters in this
    >world, none other.
    >James Rose
    >Ceptual Institute
    >To: UN Millenium Forum
    >bcc: [list available]
    >Please forward, share and distribute this letter as you see fit. The author
    >simply asks you to consider and be aware of these ideas whether you agree with
    >them or not, and present them for consideration to colleagues, friends and
    >associates. They may find them of interest as well.

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