OHS web site

From: Eugene Eric Kim (eekim@eekim.com)
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 16:07:32 PDT

Here's my attempt at categorizing and ordering the contents on the OHS web

  bootstrap.org/ohs/ -- central aggregator and launching point for OHS
    - Marketing spiels. Brief introduction, FAQs, call for contributors,
    - Publications. Doug's many papers on OHS development.
    - mailing list info and archives
    - Developer documentation (some of this stuff should probably go on
        - Use Case/Requirements
        - Design specs
        - Links to pertinent articles, specs, and software.
        - License
    - User documentation
    - Link to ohs.sourceforge.net

  ohs.sourceforge.net -- support infrastructure for development
    - CVS repository
    - bug tracking
    - ftp/http distribution of source code
    - link to bootstrap.org/ohs/



+=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== eekim@eekim.com ===== http://www.eekim.com/ ===+
|       "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they        |
+=====  can have an excuse to drink alcohol."  --Steve Martin  ===========+

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