Re: Experiment = text message with some HTML markup embedded

From: Joe D Willliams (
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 16:29:43 PDT

<XHTML:a id="exp1" />This is the beginning of experiment.
<XHTML:a id="3first"> When</A> considering an array of candidate provisions
for augmenting a knowledge worker's <Dkrid:mark
for doing his individual work, the question of skill level must be faced. In
working toward enhanced human capability, there seems to be no substitute
for the workers' skill in the utilization of their tools. That is, assuming
the best efforts of equally competent tool-system developers, <Dkrid:mark
def="performance">the system designed to support the more-skilled workers
will always provide higher human performance than the one designed to
support the less-skilled workers</mark>. Doug, I'm just looking at the
examples you sent yesterday. This is the end of this experiment. <XHTML:a

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