Explore the impact & opportunity

Interested in the Mother of All Demos? How the Mouse was in­vent­ed? The ad­vent of the Know­ledge Age? Explore Doug's many Pio­neer­ing Firsts and other trea­sures in the Engel­bart Ar­chive, with his­tor­ic foot­age, photos, and fun facts galore. Don't miss his epic design strat­egy, 1969 SEQUEL to the Demo, or his 1962 mani­festo Aug­ment­ing Human Intel­lect!
What drove all that inno­va­tion and spark­ed a revo­lu­tion? Visit the Engel­bart Aca­demy to learn about his pre­scient Vision for a bright­er future, his Pivotal Strate­gy for design­ing that future, and his Call to Ac­tion for reach­ing our high­est col­lec­tive po­ten­tial in busi­ness and so­ci­ety in the midst of ac­cel­er­at­ing change — now more cru­cial than ever!
Now you can put those stra­te­gic prin­ci­ples to work Boot­strap­ping Bril­liance in your own ini­tia­tives, teams and organ­i­za­tions. Get started with Your ABC Tool­kit. Visit Our Initia­tives, ena­bling tech­nol­ogy, and Net­work­ed Com­mu­nity Show­case to see how some ini­tia­tives making a dif­fer­ence in the world are already meet­ing the Engelbart Challenge.
A treasure trove of innovation!   Getting better at getting better!   Try it yourself! Join Us!
“The com­plex­ity of challenges we face may soon out­pace our abil­ity to solve them ... So a core chal­lenge for organ­i­za­tions tackling important challenges: Getting smart­er at getting smarter..."
— Doug Engelbart
Accelerating change poses both a huge challenge and golden opportunity!
Our Mission? To explore how teams, initia­tives, and organ­i­za­tions can create ever more brilliant out­comes, and a more brilliant world.
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Site Showcase

  • New banner - to see our new website banner in place of the old, you may need to refresh the formatting file at the end of this link
  • New, improved Engelbart Academy - selected lectures and interviews with an important message for our time, new higher resolution content and Key Takeaways added
  • New, improved Forward Vision - highlights of Doug's Call to Action now enhanced with video snippets of Doug and colleague Jeff relating the core message in their own words; PLUS all new Glossary of Key Concepts!
  • New, improved About OHS - a framework for the enabling technology still missing from today's prevailing IT paradigm; and the companion Technology Showcase of case examples.
  • New, improved Bootstrapping Brilliance Toolkit - a five point strategy for more brilliant outcomes in your teams and initiatives, added case examples and new slides and videos; and the companion Networked Community Showcase - strategic initiatives making a difference, updated with new content
  • All new Engelbart Awards Collection on display
  • Historic Firsts - browse our all-new gallery of exhibits showcasting key pioneering breakthroughs from Doug's lab

See also About our Website
re: special features like 'purple numbers' and more

Photo collage of historic moments