The Engelbart Academy 0Welcome! 1Doug Engelbart was a prominent pioneer of the Information Age, whose visionary research beginning in the 1960s and 1970s spawned more breakthrough innovation, repeatedly, than probably any lab of its kind, before or since. His success was rooted in a profound vision for humanity, and in what he considered his most important breakthrough – a comprehensive innovation design strategy that informed and continuously refined his research throughout his career. Here we have assembled some of his key lectures and interviews, and invite you to learn from the man himself, in his own words, his message for the future, what he wanted you to know, what he saw was so important to pursue, why it's still so important to your teams, organizations and society today – a strategic approach for accelerating progress, including the paradigm shifts that will be needed, and where to find the points of greatest leverage to fully realize our highest potential in the face of accelerating change. Since Doug's strategic vision is multi-dimensional, and relational rather than linear, it helps to watch him presenting in a variety of contexts for the interplay of concepts to become clear. For more on the presentation format, see About Doug's Bootstrap "Paradigm Map". What's New? See New Experience below for the latest. Doug's Big Idea Worth Spreading 2If we had to pick one for a TED Talk, this would be it. Lemelson Prize Event (6 min)
Doug summarizes his career and 'unfinished revolution' in his acceptance
speech upon receiving the 1997 Lemelson-MIT Prize, which "honors
outstanding inventors dedicated to improving our world through
In a Nutshell 3Vision Highlights (7 min)
A tribute video produced in honor of Doug's 2009 NMC Fellow Award by the New Media Consortium. Using footage from a 2002 interview about Doug's strategic vision, including short clips from the 1968 demo; no slides used but great coverage of key topics, excellent overview or
Visionary Leaders of the
KEY TAKEAWAYS ![]() ![]() Watch Doug recap
Watch Patty share
Watch Jeff stress the importance of pilots and
3. Together We Can Get There! (90 min)
Strategist/consultant Patty Seybold's
in-depth interview with Doug Engelbart on designing high-performance organizations
and what it will take to achieve them. Now more relevant than ever.
Note: Filmed on the road in a borrowed studio, hence printed slides.
Follow along with
- Introduction
- Basic Concepts: Objective: High Perf.
- #1 Collective IQ (CoDIAK)
- #2 Open Hyperdoc Systems (OHS)
- Recap to this Point
- #3 Whole-System Augmentation
- #4 ABCs of Improvement
- #5 Bootstrap Strategy
- #6 C Community
- Putting it all Together
- Thank You
- Key Takeaways: Why I’m excited
- Collective IQ is strategic
- Interoperability at scale
- Pro-active end-user orgs needed
- Co-evolution is crucial
- Improving the way we improve
- Bootstrapping multiplier
- Launch: Lift Off - pilot outposts, evolving prototypes,
- BONUS: Doug’s Odyssey
Tech Talks 5
Talks by Engelbart and colleagues for the technical audience. For more on Doug's call to action to the tech community, visit About Open Hyperdocument Systems (OHS).
1. Vannevar Bush Symposium
Doug presenting at the 1995 Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush Symposium
commemorating the 50th anniversary of As We May Think, introduced by Andy van Dam.
Follow along with
- Overview (@10:08)
- Plus detail on: Augmentation
- OHS (Part 1)
- OHS (Part 2)
- Co-Evolution Frontier
- Joining Forces
2. Augmenting Human Intellect:
Then and Now
Doug and team co-presented at a special event in 1997 marking the
35th anniversary of his seminal
1962 Conceptual Framework,
which drove his life's work. Speaking here on operationalizing the vision
and and key strategies - past and future - are Jeff Rulifson and Charles Irby,
who served successively as Chief Architect
3. 25th ARPANet Anniversary
Doug's Distringuished Lecture presented during the 25th ARPANet anniversary celebrations
- Overview (@15:14)
4. Toward High-Performance Organizations
Doug presenting at Groupware'92 his vision and strategic approach for
transforming organizations of the future, and the important role he would
like to see the groupware community play.
Follow along with
- Paradigm Map [get yours here]
- Importance of Paradigms
- Overview
- Objective
- Capability Infrastructure
- Augmentation
- Co-Evolution
- Most Payoff
- Investment Criteria
- ABC Model
- Recap to this Point
- Bootstrapping Strategy
- Collective IQ (CoDIAK)
- Global Interoperability
- Deployment Targets & "C" Community
- Conclusion: Key Takeaway
- BONUS: Introductions
- Don't Let UI Limit High-Performance Users
- Lost Opportunity Cost
- Dimensional Scaling
- Are You(r) Vendors Committed to High Performance?
Bonus Keynote 6
Doug Engelbart's last recorded lecture, aimed at the challenge of raising society's Collective IQ as a global imperative, at the level of a Grand Challenge, or rather the 'mother of Grand Challenges' -- solving for this boosts our effectiveness in all other challenges, grand or otherwise.
Accelerating Change
Titled Facilitating the Evolution of our Collective IQ -
Doug's keynote at the 2004 Conference on Accelerating Change (AC2004),
held at Stanford University.
Follow along with
Doug's slides,
Detailed Review 7
Engelbart's Colloquium at Stanford - Final Session
Session 10: In Tying it all together - Next steps,
Doug presents a comprehensive summary of strategic concepts to conclude his
10-week Colloquium
- Intro/Objective
- Collective IQ
- Co-Evolution
- Capability Infrastructure / Augmentation
- Co-Evolution Frontier
- Most Payoff: Improvement Capability
- Improvement Infrastructure (ABC Model)
- Collective IQ / CoDIAK
- Interoperability
- Deployment Targets
- Improvement Community (NICs)
- Meta-NIC
- National Improvement Infrastructure
- Global...?
- Appeal
- Q&A
- "I know I'm different"
- and later Typo leads to more re: the Cow
- Hoped for Outcome
Deep Dive Intensives 8
1992 Bootstrap Seminar (Intro)
Titled Bootstrapping Organizations into the 21st Century,
this three-day management seminar predates the interactive
Bootstrap Paradigm Map, but goes into much more detail on each of the
topics covered by the map. Refer to Seminar website
for program, courseware, and chapterized video sessions
- Paradigm Shifting (from Day 2)
- Quick Review
Engelbart's Colloquium at Stanford (Intro)
Titled An In-Depth Look at "The Unfinished Revolution",
Doug's most comprehensive management seminar, covering the same strategic concepts
in greater detail, with guest speakers from industry and the public sector. See
Detailed Review above to watch the
final session, and our Colloqium website
for program, videos,
- Exploding Change
- Collective Challenge
New Experience 9
What's New? Higher-quality video we've been busy re-rendering. Plus a new user interface so you can sample the videos' contents seamlessly, with buttons highlighting key takeaways. Known bug – the first time you click a selection under a different video, you have to click it again to skip to that segment. We hope you enjoy this new video experience! Want the old version istead? Just click here.
Further Inquiry 10
See also
- Vision Highlights and A Strategy for bootstrapping your ABCs
- Doug's Call to Action
- Key Concepts Glossary
- About the Bootstrap "Paradigm Map"
- Your Bootstrapping Brilliance Toolkit for tips on implementing these strategies in your NIC, initiative or organization.
- More of Doug's presentations and special events at our Video Archive Collection.
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