OHS Project ,
the unfinished revolution
July 13, 2000
previous meeting, next
meeting. 1
Agenda: 2
Approval of last week's minutes and this week's agenda.
Announcements and New Business.
Introduce new guests
NASA proposal
E-mail views
Linking. 2A
Present: 3
Armstrong, Eric - TreeLight
Bowman, Grant - SuSE, Inc.
Coppernoll, Mary - Bootstrap Institute
Deneen, John - Astounding
Engelbart, Doug - Bootstrap Institute
Hurd, Jim - Hurd & Associates
Iverson, Lee - SRI International
Kim, Eugene - Freelance Writer/Consultant
Laderoute, Keith - SRI International
Liu, Howard - VerticalNet
Williams, Joe - Williams Publications. 3A
Minutes: 4
Above space serves to put hyperlinked
targets at the top of the window
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