OHS Project ,
the unfinished revolution

July 20, 2000
previous meeting, next meeting. 1

Agenda: 2

  1. Approval of last week's minutes and this week's agenda. 
  2. Announcements and New Business. 
    1. Introduce new guests 
    2. Cliff Joslyn speaking next week 
    3. Pat Lincoln's discussion with Werner Schaer 
  3. Continued discussion of e-mail vector. 2A


Armstrong, Eric - TreeLight                     
Bowman, Grant - SuSE, Inc.                        
Carroll, Nicholas - Freelance Web Architect           
Coppernoll, Mary - Bootstrap Institute           
Deneen, John - Astounding                    
Engelbart, Doug - Bootstrap Institute               
Hurd, Jim - Hurd & Associates                 
Iverson, Lee - SRI International                 
Kim, Eugene - Freelance Writer/Consultant       
Williams, Joe - Williams Publications. 3

Minutes: 4




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