Re: [ba-ohs-talk] PSVI (Post Schema Validation Infoset)
At 2002-05-16 20:00 -0700, Eric Armstrong wrote:
>I saw this acroynm in a post recently, and just found
>out what it stands for in another message today.
>What the heck is it, anyway? (01)
The set of information passed to an application from an XML document after
a schema-aware processor has processed that XML document. (02)
It is an abstraction, though a few proposals are out there for serializing
it into a physical entity. (03)
There isn't just one PSVI, you have to know which PSVI you are
talking/thinking about. (04)
The term was introduced with the W3C XML Schema work, and that work defines
*a* PSVI relative to that technology, but the term is being used more
widely. Note that an application can augment a PSVI and pass that
augmented set of information to another application. (05)
I hope this helps. (06)
................... Ken (07)
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