[ba-ohs-talk] Collaborative Editing / Tracking?
I realize that I'm either asking the most rudimentary question or
the most irritating one, but I have failed to find a clear answer in
my OHS-list archive. (01)
Is there a current non-microsoft option for collaborative editing
of simple text files? Microsoft Word seems to be the current
stand-out for decent change-tracking software, but I need to be
able to do this with a group of people who don't all have
Microsoft Office. *gasp* (02)
I know, what sort of stone-age delinquents can't get their hands on a pirate
copy of Word, but surely.. there is something available that offers
at least rudimentary multiple-editor support? (When I asked for options
from 3 different professional associates today, they all offered to give
me a burned CD of office2k, an amusing commentary on the state of affairs.) (03)
I know we'd discussed this as a feature that would be highly desireable
or even key to a good collaboration environment, but as for specific
options, my memory is blank. (04)
thanks for reminding me, pointing me at a URL, or telling me when the
last discussion of this was on the OHS group so I can find it in my
archives :) (05)
bcl (06)