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[ba-unrev-talk] Re: [unrev-II] Bootstrap Alliance changes; new mailing lists

This is great! Welcome UnRev-III (?) !    (01)

I appreciate my name being mentioned in association with the UnRev-II colloquium, but I was just
one among many who got that program out.    (02)

To set the record straight, the UnRev-II Engelbart Colloquium at Stanford was actually put together
by Doug with the support of more than 50 volunteers and 30 guest speakers. See
http://www.bootstrap.org/alliance/dkr/people.htm & http://www.bootstrap.org/colloquium/credits.html
to appreciate who and what was involved.    (03)

However, if particular names should be mentioned, I think the following must be--    (04)

  Mary Dye, Christina Engelbart, Jeff Rulifson & Pat Rush -- for coming up with the idea in the
first place.
  Pierluigi Zappacosta -- who donated his own money and twisted the arms of his friends to get us
all the funding to do it,
  Marcelo Hoffmann -- who worked out the entire program content with Doug (because if I were the
producer, then Marcelo would have been the director of the act),
  Paul Marca & Julia Harms and folks at Stanford SCPD -- who defied all obstacles to mount this
program at Stanford (and, of course, they *were* the real producers, not me), and
  Mary Coppernoll, Shinya Yamada, Frode Hegland and later Henry van Eyken -- who took care of the
administration, the technology infrastructure and the colloquium website.    (05)

Thank you, Doug, for the inspiration.    (06)

Keep going, BA-CPC!    (07)

--    (08)

Eugene Eric Kim wrote Fri, 09 Nov 2001 15:16:20 -0800 (PST):    (09)

> Dear Bootstrap community,
> Most of you are familiar with Doug Engelbart's life mission: to
> improve humanity's collective capability for solving complex, urgent
> problems.  A few years ago, Doug established the Bootstrap Alliance
> (BA) in order to help further his goals.  Most recently, Peter Yim
> organized and led the 2000 Stanford Colloquium under the umbrella of
> BA, for which the unrev-ii mailing list was created.
> Over the past several months, BA has been undergoing several
> structural changes in order to make more specific and tangible
> progress in setting up a Bootstrap framework: coordinating the work of
> those who wish to contribute to extending Doug's legacy, fundraising,
> communicating the Bootstrap message, and so on.  One significant
> change was the establishment of the Core Planning Committee (CPC),
> which has inherited the responsibility for BA's operations.
> The CPC consists of Doug, myself, Jack Park, Karen Robbins, and Mei
> Lin Fung, who chairs the committee.  We have made significant progress
> in several areas, and will have a number of announcements to make over
> the next few weeks.
> The first announcement is the creation of three new mailing lists:
>     BA-unrev-talk@bootstrap.org
>     BA-ohs-talk@bootstrap.org
> BA-ohs-talk will replace the ohs-dev, ohs-talk, and ohs-lc mailing lists
> currently on bootstrap.org.  Existing subscribers won't have to do
> anything to subscribe; they have been automatically migrated to the
> new list.
> BA-unrev-talk will replace this Yahoo Groups mailing list.
> Unfortunately, due to some snafus with the Yahoo Groups system, we are
> not able to automatically migrate everyone on unrev-ii to the new
> list, so all of you will have to join the new list manually.
> Instructions for subscribing and unsubscribing to the new lists, as
> well as links to the archives, are at:
>     http://www.bootstrap.org/lists/
> These new lists are active immediately.  We will expire unrev-ii in a
> few weeks.
> Finally, one of the CPC's main goals is to improve the communication
> channels between BA and the rest of this community.  The energy,
> enthusiasm, and commitment of the Bootstrap community is what has kept
> this initiative alive, and we hope to build on that.  In this vein, we
> welcome feedback.  Please feel free to e-mail your thoughts, comments,
> questions, and ideas to feedback@bootstrap.org.  We may not be able to
> respond to every e-mail, but we will read and consider all of your
> comments carefully.
> Thanks!
> -Eugene
>  Bootstrap Alliance, Core Planning Committee member    (010)