[ba-unrev-talk] New Compendium case study document online
Now I've got the right group! (mistakenly posted on ba-ohs-talk). (01)
---------------------- Forwarded by Al Selvin on 11/19/2001 03:03 PM
Subject: New Compendium case study document online (Document link: ?) (02)
"Description of A Compendium-Supported Workshop."
Lots of Mifflin screen shots and discussion of the various techniques
used. (03)
It's on the case studies page on the Compendium Institute website --
http://www.compendiuminstitute.org/library/casestudies.htm. The direct URL
http://www.compendiuminstitute.org/compendium/papers/DescriptionOfACompendiumSupportedWorkshop.doc. (04)
Comments/discussion welcome (in fact, perhaps Simon or some other D3E wiz can D3E-ize the paper). (05)
Cheers, (06)
Al (07)