Re: [ba-unrev-talk] virtual book club?
It must be about 12 - 15 years ago that I found myself listening to an address by
Ivan Illich. He spoke for maybe 45 min. or so, his speech so polished, every comma
and period in place. He stood there, tall, not leaning on anything, spoke without a
note, without bodily contortions. Smooth, man, smooth. I have never seen or heard
anything like it! (01)
Henry (02)
Jack Park wrote: (03)
> ...
> Today's Web research led me to the works of Ivan Illich. Turns out that
> two of his books are on-line. I'll make a deep quotation from the
> introduction to one of them -- _Tools for Conviviality_ -- which follows a
> previous book _Deschooling Society_. &c., &c. (04)