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[ba-unrev-talk] [Fwd: The future of web publishing?]

OH yeah...    (01)

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Subject: The future of web publishing?    (02)

** Xerox PARC App Simplifies Web Editing    (03)

Web-based communities can provide a great venue for 
collaboration--but there's nothing great about having a backlog 
of pages for one person to update. Enter Sparrow Web, a Java-
based program from Xerox Palo Alto Research Center that's in 
beta testing. It's designed to simplify, and democratize, Web-
based collaboration by allowing all members of a designated 
group to edit Web pages even if they lack HTML skills.     (04)

Sparrow Web's "secret weapon" is a little black triangle, says 
Eric Bier, PARC principal scientist. The icon is used to 
indicate which Web-page sections are editable. When users click 
on the black triangle, a dialog box appears, allowing them to 
edit a paragraph of text, a table of figures, or other 
individual elements of a page. The program's templates take 
care of the formatting, so no worries about whether text should 
be bold or indented. And unlike other Web-editing applications, 
Sparrow Web (the beta version is available for download at 
alphaave.com) makes it possible to edit dynamic pages, not just 
large text blocks.     (05)

PARC's hardware support group has been using Sparrow Web 
internally to track system maintenance since its initial 
creation in '96. But this year, Sparrow Web beta testing began 
in earnest. Search engine Google Inc. began using it in July 
for internal project management, and three school districts in 
California are taking it for a test drive. At Stanford 
University, a graduate engineering class that's working on 
engineering projects for several large auto manufacturers is 
using it for Web collaboration with team members located 
overseas.     (06)

David Cannon, a Stanford mechanical engineering graduate 
student and class coach who led the initial assessment of 
Sparrow Web in September, liked its ease of use. "We were able 
to get the initial pages up in a few days," says Cannon. 
Sparrow Web isn't backed by a database, which simplified the 
set up. "I've worked with database-backed sites before, and 
they require significant upfront planning," he says. Now, 
students are using Web pages more frequently to post project 
updates, instead of relying on E-mail communication. For 
Stanford, it was important to have editable Web pages that were 
more than big text blocks--especially since they're also viewed 
by project sponsors like Ford Motor Co. and Toyota. "We get 
quite a bit of money from sponsor companies," Cannon says. "We 
want to show good results." - Sandra Swanson    (07)

Dwight    (08)

Dwight Lucky
IT Support (formerly WWAS-GTS-AIM)    (09)

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