[ba-unrev-talk] [Fwd: Bertalanffy-List: Global Ethics and Sustainable Development.]
Jack (01)
>Some on this list may find this of interest. Regrettably, I don't have time.
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Bertalanffy-List: Global Ethics and Sustainable Development.
>Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2002 00:26:10 +0100
>From: elohimjl <elohimjl@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at>
>To: Bertalanffy Mailing List <bertalanffy-list@igw.tuwien.ac.at>
>Dear colleagues,
>You are invited to participate in a virtual conference from 14-15 February
>on Global Ethics and Sustainable Development. Your suggestions are very
>welcome. You can also transmit this invitation to other possible
>Please, for your registration send
>an email to ahumaneworld@kub.nl (your name,
>institution, country)
>It is organized in the domain of INES
>the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global
>Best regards
>Global Ethics and Sustainable Development
>(Global Ethics for a Humane World)
>The virtual conference on global ethics and sustainable development will
>take place on 14 and 15 February 2002, and will be devoted to the normative
>principles necessary for sustainable development and the values on which
>those principles are founded. This event aims to develop further the
>recommendations and follow-up of the first virtual dialogue on "Global
>Ethics for a Humane World" which took place from 10-15 December 2001, which
>was organised by the Globus Institute and the NCDO. Participants from all
>over the globe, representing several universities, NGOs and UN agencies took
>part in that conference. The authors of the discussion papers and the
>participants displayed a sincere interest in collaborating in the dialogue
>and no doubt also benefitted from the points of view of others. Many of them
>requested a continuation of this virtual dialogue.
>We warmly welcome new participants and extend our gratitude to the original
>participants who wish again to be part of the new dialogue. We suggest that
>there should be a reconsideration of the conclusions of the first conference
>on the urgent need for a global ethics. Account should be taken of the major
>themes relating to the international rule of law; universality and
>multi-culturalism of human rights; the relationship between rights, duties
>and responsibilities and the need to guide our interdependent world by a
>global ethics.
>It is expected that our dialogue on global ethics can contribute to the
>current moral debate related to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development
>in 2002 and provide a shared platform for further discussions on the
>international rule of law, good governance, human rights, sustainable
>development, peace, and security.
>The key recommendations of the first dialogue were:
>the need for finding the norms and values for a shared ethics;
>strengthening the implementation of national and international law;
>consolidating the partnerships of the different actors at different levels,
>and emphasising a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural framework for
>global ethics.
>In order to expand on these proposals the following list of items were
>sustainable development;
>realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
>care of the environment;
>intra-generational equity; inter-generational justice;
>human dignity;
>good governance leading to responsibility and solidarity;
>peace, and democracy.
>It is suggested that participants should submit a contribution one of these
>issues including:
>an explanation of its meaning,
>an example from history, tradition or culture;
>an interpretation of the legal or political sources;
>a proposal for implementation.
>1. The working languages are: English, French, Spanish and Dutch.
>2. On 11 February 2002, the introduction, programme, and other basic
>materials will be available at the website in these four languages.
>3. The contributions of the participants will not be translated. However, in
>respect of those not in English, an English summary will be placed on the
>4. The contributions should not exceed the 150 words. They will be
>reproduced on the website having regard to the subjects to which they deal;
>5. First time participants will find the rules of the conferences on the
>website.for more information.
>We welcome your interest in participating in this dialogue on global ethics
>for a human world, and we look forward to "meeting" you soon via the
>Richard Goldstone, Ruud Lubbers and Patricia Morales (02)