Re: [ba-unrev-talk] CITRIS/Bootstrap Alliance & Multivalent Browser as a candidate for a Hyperscope application
Eric Armstrong wrote: (01)
> "John J. Deneen" wrote:
> > CITRIS hopes to tap campus databases to aid research across disciplines
> > < >
> >
> > In summary, Ruzena Bajcsy, CITRIS director says:
> >
> > "The new research institute, led by
> > Berkeley, is currently exploring potential
> > collaborative projects across a wide range
> > of disciplines that involve information
> > technology."
> This sounds way, cool, John.
> I wonder if the post I just made on knowledge bases we need for
> health would make could candidate-projects?
> Sure would be nice to see the information we need start to become
> more widely available and accessible. (02)
Well, Prof. Eric Brewer suggests: (03)
"An obvious first area of application is bioengineering
and bioinformatics. “Wouldn’t it be great if Berkeley was
known for developing the ‘plumbing of bioinformatics’?”
< > (04)
So IMHO, yes, as confirmed in the following 1) abstract of a Colloquium at UC
Berkeley, 2) statements made in a recent presentation by the Dean of
Engineering about the long-term goals for the CITRIS project, and 3) list of
participating investigators and affiliated investigators for Medical Alert
Networks: (05)
1) Oct. 2001 - Colloquium
On Redefining the Culture of Engineering: Ethics, Society and the Next
Generation of Engineers (06)
"The objective of this Colloquium is to initiate a conversation whose aim is
to redefine the culture of the engineering profession, so that engineering is
practiced as a social as well as a technical activity. New and complex
ethical issues are emerging which bring into question the ability of society
to address, and hopefully resolve them. These new issues range from
protecting the health and welfare of the public, to patenting living
organisms and labeling products containing genetically modified organisms, to
concerns regarding the alteration of the ecology of life. (07)
To date, the literature on engineering ethics as well as the professional
society codes, and college level courses, for the most part, focus on the
responsibilities of the individual engineer. However, we believe that
engineering education must expand its approach beyond the individual engineer
in addressing these ethical and technical issues."
<> (08)
2) Feb. 2002 - Presentation
CITRIS- The Next Digital Revolution and Human Society
> (suggest selecting the 5.4 Mb .pdf below.)
>: (09)
Supporting Statement
Future Opportunities and the Challenges Lie at the Boundaries Between
Technology and Global Society (010)
* We Must Focus Our Attention on Societal-Scale Systems that Will Build
Bridges Between People Throughout the World (011)
Supporting Goals
Info-Bio Technology Research and Societal Grand Challenge Problems (012)
* Within the next decade, we will develop a sustainable business model and
associated collection of system architectures and component technologies
for providing affordable and useful digital services to the four billion
people on earth earning less than $1,500/year. (013)
* Within the next decade, we will develop and deploy sustainable and
affordable technology that will guarantee reliable access to clean
drinking water for over 90% of the people and animals on earth. (014)
* Within the next decade, we will develop and deploy monitoring and
control systems that can reduce both commercial and domestic energy
waste by over 90%. (015)
* Within the next half century, we will develop and deploy appropriate
sustainable, affordable and reliable energy sources for use by all
people throughout the world. (016)
* Within the next fifteen years, we will improve the average literacy
levels in the world by 5 grade-years by making compelling,
culturally-relevant, cost-effective and robust digital tutor technology
available to any interested group on this planet. (017)
* Within the next decade, we will reduce the unemployment rate of people
with disabilities by 50% throughout the world. (018)
* Within the next decade, we will increase the average duration of time by
which and elderly person can live comfortably at home by at least five
years. (019)
* Within the next decade, we will provide affordable access to all known
authored works on line. This will include all contemporary and
historical documents, works of art, film, and recorded performances. (020)
3) Medical Alert Networks
< > (021)
*Thomas Budinger, BioE/EECS, UCB
Kristofer Pister, EECS, UCB
*Jan Rabaey, EECS, UCB
Robert Arzbaecher, Illinois Institute of Technology
Richard O. Cummins, University of Washington Medical Center
David Hampton, Medtronic
Lance Becker, University of Chicago
Myron Weisfeldt, Columbia Presbyterian (022)
Since Doug's call to action for the Digital Library community on 4/8/02 at UC
Berkeley, I'm wondering if you or other members of the Bootstrap Alliance are
interested to join-in on discussions with your ideas and/or concerns to the
CITRIS leadership groups?
< > (023)
List archives available at (024)