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Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Visualizing a Knowledge Domain's Intellectual Structure & Computer Supported Collaborative Writing

Can the contents of John's posts on this subject and about "New Journal:
Information Visualization" be made rapidly comprehensible and of interest to
readers outside this discussion forum, i.e. an article at the level of, say,
The Economist"?    (01)

At first glance, I believe we have important stuff here to, not only write
about, but possibly put in practice toward developing more effective
communications in the modern world. Or am I wrong here?    (02)

Vizualization of information, of course, has a long history, predating homo
sapiens sapiens. Now, it seems, we are seeing it moving beyond the old
frontier. What I am hoping for is that someone wouold take on writing an
article to set the stage, a springboard for following developments as they
will be portrayed in the new journal.    (03)

That journal is from professionals to professionals, or from researchers to
researchers. What we are looking for is being able to follow those people at
some distance, see the potential and actual fruits of their work with the
possibility of beneficially applying it in education and cooperative
communications.    (04)

The benefits for the person manning this "frontier outpost"? My experience
is that teachers leasrn more than their students, journalists more thna
their readers. Not a benefit to be sneexed at.    (05)

Henry    (06)

"John J. Deneen" wrote:    (07)

> >From <  http://www.warriorsofthe.net/misc/links.html > with a link to
> <  http://www.cybergeography.org/ >, I found:
> Chen, C. & Paul, R. J. (March 2001) Visualizing a knowledge domain’s
> intellectual structure. IEEE Computer, 34(3), 65-71.
> <  http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~cssrccc2/papers/ieeecomputer2001.pdf >
> Abstract
> "To make knowledge visualizations clear and easy to interpret, the
> authors have developed a method that extends and transforms traditional
> author co-citation analysis (ACA) by extracting structural patterns from
> the scientific literature and representing them in a 3D knowledge
> landscape. Integrating citation and co-citation patterns provides a
> rich, ecological representation of a knowledge domain. Users can apply
> visualizations to discover patterns and make valuable connections among
> data. The authors' approach extends conventional ACA by integrating
> structured modeling and information visualization techniques to provide
> a 3D knowledge landscape based on citation patterns. Their four-step
> procedure introduces Pathfinder network scaling to replace
> multidimensional scaling. It also integrates Pathfinder and factor
> analysis to visualize specialties in the underlying domain knowledge and
> visualizes the citation frequency of scientists to track changes in
> their influence over time. This knowledge visualization approach
> identifies intellectual groupings based on extending the traditional
> ACA, augmenting the existing document- and concept-centered approaches
> to knowledge visualization. The 3D knowledge landscape has practical
> implications in knowledge visualization, digital libraries, domain
> analysis, and subject domains, providing powerful tools for tracking
> intuitively scientific knowledge."
> Prototypes & Papers about Computer Supported Collaborative Writing
> < http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~cssrccc2/#prototype>
> August 2000 Gallery
> (24 Figures are grouped into the following 8 categories):
> 1. How it began
> 2. Visualising semantic spaces
> 3. Visualising an information space of hetergenouse entities
> 4. Visualising the intellectual structure of a subject domain
> 5. Mapping a high-dimensional space of specialties
> 6. Landscape of a field of study
> 7. Visualising the similarity of images
> 8. Visual exploration in content-based image retrieval
> <  http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~cssrccc2/papers/gallery2000aug.pdf >    (08)