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Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Agroforestry

Remember, Eric, from the second Colloquium session that the total annual
oil consumption of the world was a mere one cubic mile?    (01)

Henry    (02)

Eric Armstrong wrote:    (03)

> Henry K van Eyken wrote:
> > 1 acre = 4.05 x 10^-3 sq.km
> Great. Now, for those of us who knew math about 30 years ago,
> but who have in the meantime forgotten everything they once
> knew, what is that number, really??!
>      .00405 sq. km ??
> That seems awfully small.
> I know that 10 km = 6.2 miles. But I don't know how miles and
> acres relate, either, so that doesn't help much.
> BTW:
> That 1.25 acres:
>      * Can provide all of the nutritional needs for 10 people.
>      * Is very water-sparing, rather than water-intense.
>      * Is very labor-sparing, rather than labor-intense.
>      * Lets those 10 people live on the land, as well as birds
>         and other forms of wildlife.
>      * Puts oxygen back in the air and takes CO2 out.
>      * Can provide housing materials and export crops.
>      * Can make use of mountainous terrain at most every
>          latitude, as well as flat land in certain latitudes.    (04)