[ba-unrev-talk] More on backlinks
"The idea for this article came about the other day while I was viewing
some of the recent posts on drop.org. I followed a link to an article,
'Blogspace Under the Microscope', on the O'Reilly Network. The author was
talking about a 'mutation' and the next 'phenomenon' in weblogging. He was
referring to 'backlinks' - links which point back to the referring web page
- which the web site Disenchanted has been using for about a year. The
article consisted of very few links and no historical or background
information to the idea of 'backlinks' and implies that Disenchanted
invented this idea; which is dismissed by an accompanying article on
Disenchanted. " (01)
More at http://www.foresight.org/WebEnhance/backlinks.news.html
which is part of the http://www.foresight.org/WebEnhance/enhance.html
WebEnhance project. Pretty old stuff there. (02)