[ba-unrev-talk] Fwd: [issues] Conference of possible interest - a year from now
>From: Steve Kurtz <kurtzs@freenet.carleton.ca>
>Note that a co-host is a business school. And note the emphasis on SCALE.
>I visited Turku 15 yrs ago; it's a lovely place in mid-June!
> www.abo.fi/6thNESS
>6th Nordic Conference on
>Environmental Social Sciences (NESS)
>June 12-14 2003
>Turku /Åbo, Finland
>* Global ecological justice
> * Limits to growth today*
>* Multilevel environmental governance*
>* Global environmentalism, national policies *
>* Political ecology in history *
>* Johannesburg: a first anniversary *
>Hosted by: Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku & Turku
>School of Economics and Business Administration
>First ann
>ouncement & call for papers
>6th Nordic Conference on
>Environmental Social Sciences (NESS)
>June 12-14 2003
>Turku / Åbo, Finland
>A growing awareness of the importance and complexity of the
>interaction between ecological life support systems and
>socio-economic activities has prompted the development of "political
>ecology." Political ecology has been defined as "an approach that
>combines the concerns of ecology and political economy to represent
>an ever-changing dynamic tension between ecological and human change,
>and between diverse groups within society at scales from the l
>individual to the earth as a whole" (G. Peterson, 2000, Ecological
>Economics 35:3). According to one of its pioneers, the major areas of
>inquiry in political ecology are the contextual sources of
>environmental change, conflicts over access to resources, and the
>political ramifications of environmental change
>(R.L. Bryant, 1992
>Political Geography 11).
>Scale is a central concept in ecology and its importance in the
>social sciences has been growing. We are forced to treat more issues
>as genuinely global, but at the same time the need to understand the
>local, national and regional levels must be fully recognised. The
>proper way to handle different scales in both ecological and human
>systems has become a crucial issue in the search for sustainable
>solutions to current problems.
>Scales are linked to limits and borders. Globalisation has extended
>activities over traditional borders in a seemingly limitless process
>of economic expansion. Yet simultaneously, it has reminded us o
>f the
>limits of "Spaceship Earth". Despite globalisation, state borders are
>still of major importance in the world system.
>We want to organise a number of working sessions that use and
>critically elaborate the concepts of scale, limits and borders. These
>include: Global ecological justice; Limits to growth today
>Multilevel environmental governance; Global environmentalism,
>national policies; Political ecology in history; Johannesburg: a
>first anniversary.
>ß Herman Daly, School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland
>ß Riley Dunlap, Åbo Akademi University (visiting professor)
>ß Yvonne Rydin, Dept. of Geography & Environment, London School of
>Economics and Political Science
>ß Avner de-Shalit, Dept. of Political Science, The Hebrew University
>of Jerusalem
>ß Oran R. Young, Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College
>1) Global ecological justice
>Coordinator: Oluf Langhelle, Rogaland Research
>, Stavanger & Markku
>Oksanen, University of Turku
>Environmental goods are scarce and distributed in uneven ways. Would
>a more just world also be better in ecological terms? What is the
>relation between social and ecological concerns, between
>sustainability and justice? What kind of global institutions can m
>both ecological and social requirements? Both empirical and
>theoretical papers are welcome.
>2) Limits to growth today
>Coordinators: Jan Otto Andersson, Åbo Akademi & Inge Røpke,
>Technical University of Denmark
>The book Limits to Growth was published three decades ago. It was
>followed by an intense debate on the ecological and social limits to
>economic growth, and on the need and possibility of redefining growth
>and welfare. Although many of the methods and conclusions of the book
>have been reconsidered, the question of the relationship between
>economic growth, ecological sustainability and human welfare is still
>of crucial importance. How do we
>conceive the limits to growth today?
>Can "sustainable development" or a "steady state" be achieved, and
>what would this imply? How does our conception of limits affect our
>attitudes towards lifestyles, institutions and global issues?
>3) Multilevel environmental governance
>Coordinators: Katarina Eckerberg, Ume&
>aring; University, & Marko Joas, Åbo Akademi.
>The past decade has witnessed a change in the world order of
>environmental policy making. The strongholds of national
>environmental policy competence gave room for international regimes
>as early as the 1980s, a development that reached a peak during the
>Rio Earth Summit in 1992. Since then the direction of governance
>patterns has partly been reversed. However, the trend is not back
>towards nation states, but towards sub-national units that are
>reforming environmental governance patterns directly with
>supra-national units, such as the EU, with nation states, with inter-
>and non-governmental organisations as well a
>s with other sub-national
>governments. This development is especially evident in the Baltic
>area, including the Nordic countries. This workshop aims at analysing
>this development.
>4) Global environmentalism, national policies
>Coordinators: Annamari Konttinen, University of Turku & Andrew
>Jamison, Aalborg
>Environmentalism has become an increasingly global force, not just in
>the form of international environmental non-governmental
>organizations (NGO's), but also because of the rapidly intensifying
>networking among local and national environmental NGOs. These trends
>parallel the growth of global environmental governance. Yet, national
>governments remain crucial actors in designing and implementing
>environmental policies. The interaction between environmentalism and
>environmental policies, especially the impact of the former on the
>latter, is a phenomenon of great importance, but very difficult to
>study or document directly. The workshop welcomes papers dealing w
>environmental policies, environmental movement outcomes, and
>especially the relationships and dynamics between the two - both on
>the national and global levels.
>5) Political ecology in history
>Coordinator: Timo Myllyntaus, University of Helsinki
>Social, political and economic institutions govern how soc
>ieties and
>local communities utilise natural resources so as to make their
>living. The purpose of this workshop is to shed light on how
>different human groups have tried to adapt their social systems and
>structures to ecological conditions, and how they have changed the
>environment when adapting it to their economic and socio-cultural
>needs. Issues of interest include: What types of environmental
>awareness can we find in history? How was nature valued before
>conservation? How did people debate the use of natural resources?
>Have environmental living conditions improved or worsened in the past?
>6) Johannesburg: a first anniversary
>Coordinators: William M. Lafferty, Univers
>ity of Oslo & Markku
>Wilenius, The Turku School of Economics and Business Administration.
>A year has passed since Johannesburg 2002 and it is time to look at
>early reactions to the results of the conference. Do they enhance the
>positive developments, e.g. regarding Agenda 21, achieved after Rio
>1992? Ha
>ve the expectations regarding both Rio and Johannesburg been
>too high? The workshop will focus on national, regional and local
>strategies for achieving sustainable development within the UNCED
>process. We are particularly interested in evaluating how Agenda 21
>in its strengthened form as well as partnerships as a new form of
>sustainable development have been implemented since the Johannesburg
>summit. Emphasis will be placed on the nature of evaluative research
>in this context: differences in approaches, methods and national
>research policies for applied research in this area.
>HOSTED BY: Åbo Akademi University (ÅA) University of Turku (UT) Turku
>School of Eco
>nomics and Business Administration (TSEBA)
>Conference committee:
>Jan Otto Andersson (Dept. of Economics and Statistics, ÅA), Ea Maria
>Blomqvist (Centre for Continuing Education, ÅA), Ralf Eriksson
>(Dept.of Economics and Statistics, ÅA), Ann-Sofie Hermanson (Dept. of
>Political Science, &Ar
>ing;A), Marko Joas, (Dept. of Public Administration,
>ÅA), Minna Jokela (Dept. of Political Science, UT), Annamari
>Konttinen (Dept. of Sociology, UT), Anne Kumpula (Faculty of Law,
>UT), Markku Oksanen (Dept. of Philosophy, UT), Markku Wilenius
>(Finland Futures Research Centre, TSEBA).
>& Second announcement will be distributed in September 2002, at:
><http://www.abo.fi/6thNESS>www.abo.fi/6thNESS and by e-mail to those who
>have returned the
>registration form included (below) in this first announcement.
>& Deadline for abstracts: January 31, 2003
>& Notification of accepted papers: by
> March 2003
>& Final registration: by 31.4 2003
>& Symposium fee will be about 250 _ (including lunches, coffee,
>receptions & symposium dinner)
>& Contact person: Ea Maria Blomqvist, Åbo Akademi University,
>FC, Biskopsgatan 10 A, FIN-20500 Åbo, Finland, to
>ß University of Turku: <http://www.utu.fi/>http://www.utu.fi/
>ß Turku School of Economics and Business Administration:
>ß Universities in Finland:
>ß Higher Education in the Nordic Countries:
>ß Finnish Environmental
>administration: <http://www.vyh.fi/eng/welcome.html>http://
>Travel, accommodation etc
>ß The City of Turku (Åbo in
>Swedish): <http://www.turku.fi/english/>http://www.turku.fi/english/
>ß Hotels/ Accommodation
>ß Touring &
>Excursions: <http://www.turkutouring.fi/>http://www.turkutouring.fi/
>ß The Archipelago: <http://www.saaristo.org/>http://www.saaristo.org/
>ß Flights to Turku/Åbo (via Helsinki, Stockholm or Copenhagen):
>Finnair <http://www.finnair.com>http://www.finnair.com
>SAS <http://www.sas.com/>http://www.sas.com/
>ß Ferries to Turku /Åbo or Helsinki:
>Viking Line <http://www.vikingline.fi
>ß Trains: <http://www.vr.fi/>http://www.vr.fi/
>ß Busses: <http://www.matkahuolto.fi/>http://www.matkahuolto.fi/
>ß Varia:
>NB! Registration form below!
>6th Nordic Conference on Environmental Social Sciences (NESS), June
>12-14, 2003, Turku/Åbo, Finland
>or by postal mail to: Ea Maria Blomqvist, Åbo Akademi University,
>Riley E. Dunlap
>Boeing Distinguished Professor
> of Environmental Sociology
>Department of Sociology and
>Department of Rural Sociology
>Washington State University
>Pullman, WA 99164-4020
>Phone: (509) 335-3810/FAX: (509) 335-2125
>On leave during 2002 as
>Academy of Finland Researcher
>Department of Sociology
>University of Turku
>20014 Turku
>Phone: 358-2-333-6566
>FAX: 358-2-333-5080
> (01)