[ba-unrev-talk] Communications for a Sustainable Future Centre at Colorado
An interesting set of mailing lists at:
.com&passw=&func=lists-long (01)
casenet Active Learning in International Affairs
cool Campus Outreach Opportunity League
homeless Homelessness and Housing
isafp ISA Foreign Policy
labor-rap Labor Research and Action Project
peace Peace Studies
ppn Progressive Population Network
revs Racial-Religious-Ethnonationalist Violence Studies
service-learning Service-Learning Discussion Group
txseedsavers Seed-saving information exchange list.
waib Women in the Academy of International Business
wealth-fairsharing Fair sharing of benefits from common-heritage
natural wealth
wsn World Systems Network
Category: Colorado
bcwatershed Boulder Creek Watershed discussion
puma Preserve Unique Magnolia Association
Category: economics
clim-econ Economics of Climate Variability and Global Change
debt The Economics of Debt
friends-of-pkt Post Keynesian Thought Announcements
ipe International Political Economy
itcp International Trade and Commercial Policy
longwaves Kondratiev Waves and market cycles
pen PEN is a reflector of the PEN-L mailing list, which is managed by
Michael Perelman and based at California State University at Chico.
Archives are available at http://csf.colorado.edu/forums/pen-l/
pkt Post Keynesian Thought
pkt-seminars Post Keynesian Thought Seminars
seminars Economics Seminar Announcements
Category: environment
bioregional Natural regions and human habitation
ecofem ECOFEM is an international electronic mail forum through which a
variety of viewpoints concerning women and the environment may be
ecol-econ Ecological Economics
ecopath Ecopath merges sustainable philosophy and daily life
elan Environment in Latin America Network
envtecsoc Environment, Technology, and Society
essa Earth-friendly and Self-sufficient Architecture
ncse National Council for Science and the Environment
Category: feminism
femisa Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
m-fem A place for marxist-feminists to hang out
matfem Materialist Feminism
Category: psychology
friends-of-cgjung Jung Seminar Announcements
Category: sociology
medsoc Medical Sociology
psn Progressive Sociology Network
socgrad Sociology Graduate Students -- International
Category: software
mj2-dev Majordomo 2 Developer Discussions (02)
Peter (03)