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Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Any Bootstrap Alliance Interest with Community LAN Revolutionaries?

* Graham Stalker-Wilde <grahams@pipeline.com> [020724 07:09]:
> This is one of the most entertaining examples of practical anarchism I've
> came across in a while. Wireless Access Points in tupperware boxes sitting
> on rooftops beating billions of Baby Bell dollars to the punch. It is very
> satisfying.
> The NY link is http://nycwireless.net    (01)

Heh, yeah, very nice.  There's also some different efforts in SF.    (02)

        http://www.nocat.net/    (03)

And here's a recent article from the Bay Guardian.    (04)

        http://www.sfbg.com/36/37/cover_wireless.html    (05)

Cheers,    (06)

-- Grant Bowman                                <grantbow@grantbow.com>    (07)