[ba-unrev-talk] CITRIS collaboration in Learning Science & Tools Roadmap
CITRIS Director, Ruzena Bajcsy joins the steering committee
< http://www.wiadlcolab.org/partners/docs/Learning%20Federation.ppt > (01)
The Learning Federation.org
" The research we propose will increase the quality of human performance
and the quantity of human competence by developing enabling learning
systems capable of delivering training, education, decision support and
performance-aiding anytime, anywhere, on any device, to any user."
< http://www.learningfederation.org/mission.htm > (02)
"In September 2001, the Federation of American Scientists was named the
Executive Secretariat for the Learning Federation, a Steering Committee
was formed, and the initial draft of the technology research roadmap was
developed. The first task of the Steering Committee is development of a
research plan, or technology roadmap. When the plan is finalized, the
Federation will seek support from industry, foundations and government
to provide large-scale, sustained funding necessary to carry out the
research defined by the roadmap."
< http://www.learningfederation.org/history.htm > (03)
Sept. 2002 - Establish the Learning Federation with stable funding
"The Learning Federation anticipates funding pre-competitive basic and
applied research by national and international interdisciplinary teams
of learning science and information technology experts. " (04)
Work Plan:
< http://www.learningfederation.org/general/overview.pdf > (05)
Learning Science and Technology (LS&T) Research Roadmap Workshops
(starting Aug. 2002) (06)
The Learning Federation plans a series of focused workshops on LS&T R&D
and two Steering Committee workshops/meetings as part of its efforts to
develop the research roadmap. Approximately 8 of these workshops will be
organized by working groups established by the LS&T Research Roadmap
Steering Committee. It is anticipated that there will be 4 working
groups, organized around the research focus areas identified in the
draft research roadmap:
1) Learning Science
2) Tools: Content Tools and Environments
3) Tools: Interactivity Design
4) Assessment
< http://www.learningfederation.org/general/workshops.pdf > (07)
Must reads < http://www.learningfederation.org/read.htm >, including (08)
February 2001 - Road Map for National Security: Imperative for Change"
"The report of the United States Commission on National Security/21st
Century (aka the Hart-Rudman Report) emphasized the importance of
education to national security and states that "education in science,
mathematics, and engineering has special relevance for the future of
U.S. national security, for America's ability to lead depends
particularly on the depth and breadth of its scientific and technical
< http:// http://www.nssg.gov/PhaseIIIFR.pdf > (09)
Contact Us (010)
Henry Kelly
1717 K St., NW
Suite 209
Washington, DC 20036 (011)
Phone: (202) 546-3300
Fax: (202) 675-1010
Email: hkelly@fas.org (012)