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[ba-unrev-talk] Fwd: [GP] THE DESIGN OF INNOVATION is Here!

>To: <genetic_programming@yahoogroups.com>
>From: "David E. Goldberg" <deg@uiuc.edu>
>GP Colleagues,
>A few weeks ago, I announced the pre-publication of my new book "THE DESIGN
>OF INNOVATION: Lessons from and for Competent Genetic Algorithms" from
>Kluwer Academic Publishers.  The purpose of this note is to let you know
>that the book is now available and shipping.  Moreover, for a limited time
>only, Kluwer is making the book available at a 25% discount.
>More information about the book is available at the book web site
>http://www-doi.ge.uiuc.edu/. The web site contains a book summary, a table
>of contents, and full text of advance praise for DOI from such notables as
>John Holland, John Koza, and Lotfi Zadeh.  The web site also announces an
>8-lecture on-line short course to be available for registration after August
>1, 2002.  Short course information is also available at
>Those individuals seeking an autographed copy of the book can obtain one by
>making a contribution to the Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory web site
>(http://www-illigal.ge.uiuc.edu/) using the on-line secure Friends of
>IlliGAL page (http://www-illigal.ge.uiuc.edu/illigal_friend.php3).
>More information about my book and the other books in the Kluwer Series on
>Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation is also available at the
>series web site (http://www.wkap.nl/prod/s/GENA).
>I hope you will consider joining the growing group of colleagues who are
>reading and enjoying "The Design of Innovation" today.  Moreover, if you act
>before September 1,  2002, you will save 25% off the list price.
>Dave Goldberg
>  _______________________________________________________________
>     David E. Goldberg, Professor
>     Director, Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (IlliGAL)
>     Affiliate, Technology Enterpreneurship Center (TEC)
>     Department of General Engineering
>     Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>     117 Transportation Building
>     104 S. Mathews Avenue
>     Urbana, IL 61801
>     deg@uiuc.edu
>     http://www-illigal.ge.uiuc.edu/ (GA Lab)
>     http://online.cen.uiuc.edu/webcourses/ge485/(GA Course)
>     http://www-advancedgec.ge.uiuc.edu/ (Advanced GEC Course)
>     http://www.ge.uiuc.edu/tec/ (Technology Entrepreneur Ctr)
>     http://www-bplan.ge.uiuc.edu/ (Business Plan Wrkshp Course)
>     http://www.davidegoldberg.com/ (Consulting)
>     phone: 217/333-0897; fax: 217/244-5705
>  _______________________________________________________________
>     2003 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,
>     GECCO-2003, will be held in Chicago, IL,
>     July 12-16, 2003 (Saturday-Wednesday).
>     For further information, http://www.isgec.org/GECCO-2003/.
>     Chair: James A. Foster (foster@cs.uidaho.edu)
>  _______________________________________________________________
>     A New Book by Dave Goldberg, THE DESIGN OF INNOVATION,
>     is now available in the Kluwer Series on GAs and EC.
>     For further information go to http://www-doi.ge.uiuc.edu/
>  _______________________________________________________________    (01)