Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Information Physics
Jack Park quoted: (01)
> <snip> When observed in nature,
> however, bits assume definate values of either true or false, up or down
> or, yin or yang."
> Whether or not this link turns out to be valuable (whatever that means), no
> matter how you stack things up in OHS-speak, we are dealing with
> information, its accumulation, organization, and interpretation;
> accordingly, most all links need to be examined carefully. (02)
For better or for worse, look at third line in second illustration on page (03)
"Quantum bits, or cubits, can also exist in superpositions of 0 and 1, in
effect being both numbers at once. Eight cubits can represent every number
from 0 to 255 simultaneously." (04)
And, of course, a huge number of combinations of 0, 1, and both. It is the
quest for the quanytum computer to make good use of this. (05)