Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Fwd: U.S. NSF/DOC report relevant to global brain
Jack. (01)
I browsed through this document a little ("Converging Technologies for
Improving Human Performance"). Clearly, it is exceedingly important and calls
for careful attention to many details. (02)
Germane to your last week's activities is the chapter on Visual Language and
Converging Technologies (p. 124) - actually, the whole Section B (p. 85), led
off by Jim Spohrer and a coiple of mentions of Doug. (03)
It tickled me to see a chapter named "Sociable Technologies: Enhancing Human
Performance when the Computer is not a Tool but a Companion," which is the
fundamental thread of the Fleabyte course I gave 15 years ago: "We may all
have a chip on the shoulder one day" - (Not
reproduced on the Web site is a section named "A Choice of Companions" that
contains some specs including a HyperScope of sorts.) (04)
Mentioned by contributer Newt Gingrich is the need for communicating ideas to
the public at large, which, of course, is precisely the readership the
Fleabyte web site has in mind. What the report makes clear, though, is that
this, or a similar publication, needs fairly substantial staffing. As things
stand I feel just about powerless to continue with it. What to do? (05)
Henry (06)
Jack Park wrote: (07)
> >From: Bill Hibbard <>
> >To: <>
> >
> >Available at:
> >
> >
> Converging Technologies
> for Improving Human Performance:
> Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science
> 4.5 mb pdf file (08)