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[ba-unrev-talk] Getting a search to work

As promised, here is the latest search I'm doing
in which looking for terms isn't narrowing things
down a whole lot. (Because concrete examples
make good use cases.)    (01)

The goal:
    Find a link to the Stanford University Department
    of Exercise Science. (I saw where someone got
    a masters in it, I'm interested in investigating the
    program.)    (02)

Google: stanford exercise science
    102,000 hits. Everybody and anybody doing anything
    remotely related to exercise, with a mention of
    Stanford somewhere in the paper.    (03)

Google: stanford "exercise science" program
    1,540 hits. All about different exercise programs,
    citing credentials or information from stanford.    (04)

Google: stanford "exercise science" department
    1,270 hits. Mostly with people who's credentials
    cite a degree from that department.    (05)

Google: Stanford University Department of Exercise Science
    49,700 hits. Every exercise science department, anywhere
    in the country, or references to same.    (06)

Google "Stanford University Department of Exercise Science"
    0 hits.    (07)

Google: "Stanford University" "Exercise Science"
    966 hits. Still pages the reference people who came from
    there.    (08)

Google: "Stanford University" "Exercise Science" home
     639 hits. Not a lot of reduction.    (09)

Clearly, there is some term I *should* know that will take me
to Stanford's home page. (For some reason, www. stanford.edu
took me back to the engineering page, when I was looking at
that. Now that I've retried it, www.stanford.edu got me to the
university's home page.    (010)

Even then, though, I'm in trouble...
   * The department listing doesn't show "Exercioxe Science"
      or "Department of Exercise Science", even though about
      1,000 papers use that exact phrase in their list of credentials.    (011)

   * The link to the Help Center doesn't appear to be working.    (012)

   * I can't find a physical education department or anything similar,
      either.    (013)

So I sent a note to the webmaster.
Maybe I'll take a drive...
:_)    (014)