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[ba-unrev-talk] [Fwd: A War Based on Rumors]

Excerpts from Eli Pariser's post to MoveOn.Org  9/12/02    (01)

In August, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card told the 
New York Times that "you don't launch a new product in 
August." (Link to article below.)  The product he was 
referring to was a war with Iraq, and today's speech by 
President Bush at the United Nations marks the grand 
product launch.    (02)

Bush's speech was great marketing -- the copy was well-
written and the timing perfect for a publicity campaign.  
It's no coincidence that the push for a war on Iraq occurs 
only a day after September 11th.  The New York Times 
article above quoted Administration officials who said 
that Sept. 11 would be "a centerpiece of the strategy," 
helping to "move Americans toward support of action 
against Iraq."    (03)

For weeks now, Administration officials have been playing
up this speech as Bush's big opportunity to "make his case."  
But while the marketing has been stellar, the case itself 
simply hasn't been made.  In his speech Bush released no 
new intelligence and made no novel arguments.  Instead, he 
rolled out a laundry list of old grievances and half-truths.  
According to CNN, many of the allegations the Bush White House 
made about Iraq are entirely unsubstantiated, or are based on 
the testim ny of sworn enemies of Saddam Hussein. (Link to 
article below)       (04)

............................    (05)

Where's the beef?  Where's the evidence of clear and present danger?
What happened to Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda?
If our allies don't support this, are we going ahead or not?  
Who's going to pick up the pieces in Iraq?
Why now, right before the election?
How many lives will be lost?  How much money will be spent?
What are the alternatives?     (06)

................................................    (07)

To play politics with a national tragedy is unconscionable.  
To do so in the service of a foolish and destabilizing war adds 
injury to insult. .     (08)

The New York Times article referred to is at:
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/07/politics/07STRA.html    (09)

The CNN article is at:
http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/09/12/iraq.report/     (010)