Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Doug Quotes
I do not off hand of any specific quotable phrases, but here is the
Engelbart section of the new Bootsrrap site: (01) (02)
and here of the old Bootstrap site: (03) (04)
(by way of the "Wayback Machine" ( (05)
Henry (06)
blincoln wrote: (07)
> I was writing an article recently about data management issues
> and was looking for some good Englebartian quotes and in a
> not-terribly-exhaustive search didn't find any good collection
> or start page.
> I used to know where (navigational memory only, not names of
> articles) on the old bootstrap site there were a couple, but does
> anyone have any suggestions for places to look or just any
> quotes from Doug about KM, ontologies, interfaces, augmentation,
> etc. they want to send to the list ?
> bcl (08)